30,000+ Gamer Score

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by SaintJ, August 20, 2010.

  1. fl4tlined

    fl4tlined New Member

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    i dont even try i have had a xbox 360 since launch its just im willing to play anything(other then crappy games and racing sims xD)
  2. DJ Seth227

    DJ Seth227 New Member

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    I have 62000. and sorry for the Great wall of china Below
    i like getting gamerscore because of my one piece of hefty logic.
    remember the old school days when you played a game once and once you were done, YOU WERE DONE.
    take a life recap
    Wii: finished a game and they were so cheap id buy another
    Gamecube:i thought Mario,Pokemon and Melee were the only games on them
    PS2:GTA and i bet you never finished 100% on it.
    If you're not getting the point (which honestly i think i didn't make it) before finishing a game was nothing.
    NOW i finish a game(ex:Dead Space) and now i HAVE a reason to go back and finish it on the hardest difficulty or getting all the weapons and collectables etc.
    and it also makes you play the game to worth you're buck.
    If you didn't get you're answer by me..............id understand cuz i would be the world's worst teacher.
  3. steamwitch

    steamwitch New Member

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    I don't like to measure my free time Vs. anyone other than my friends...it's pointless.
  4. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    had it since launch GS on my Sig dont care i just play game's to enjoy them..U know the whole reason we should be playing them. if i was some sort of uber gamerscore nerd i would have 180k plus with the amount of different games played but im like 40k+ and im more happy with just the vast ammount of games i have tried not the score

    Dont recall buying mario to see how fast i could beat it playing FF to rack up ridiulous hours and lvls just played em to enjoy them and will continue to do so for many many years.....

    D3C3P7AKONZ annoying a forum near u soon!!!!
  5. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    And people still did that then, achievements/trophies just give you a reason to go above and beyond simply beating the game. It extends the life for some people.
  6. AJMac

    AJMac New Member

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    For some, it's the same reason you play online - competition. Others compete against each other, whether it be the GS itself or an individual game. Some games might be easy, but so are some people you play against online.

    Another reason (the reason I originally did, although I can't "get into" it anymore) is to challenge yourself. Granted, I played some of the quick and easy 1000s (for competition reasons), it opens you up to games you wouldn't normally play. I rarely played easy games if they had a reputation for being terrible, but the kids' games were truly fun.

    Don't judge people for the way they play games. Sure, there are some parts that just aren't fun, but to truly appreciate what is fun, you have to experience what isn't.
  7. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    i know they did...im just saying that i never focused on score or times etc.. i just went about enjoyinh the game as intended. As for giving the games extra life i do totally agree there but even b4 GS i was replaying something i liked just for the fun of it

    Fable TLC i think i finished something like 40 times and still watched every cutscene

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