24/7 Live office webcam at uber entertainment

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by penchu, April 4, 2013.


Do you want to see live webcams of the development?

  1. Yes

    31 vote(s)
  2. No

    151 vote(s)
  3. Don't care

    41 vote(s)

    50 vote(s)
  1. penchu

    penchu Member

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    Ok then, What about a less flashy weekly update kind of thing, Instead of all the set up of the live streams maybe just a 20-30min weekly update thing it doesn't even have to be live just a thing where we meet everyone and they explain what they do and we get small updates etc, obviously this would be voluntary... just a suggestion, it wouldn't be as boring as a 24/7 live stream and would be easier than the live sessions to set up...
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Frankly, making something shorter doesn't necessarily reduce the amount of prep-time needed(I think that it'd be possible to cut the current livestreams to that length given proper prep), and it doesn't mean there will be something to show every week. Neutrino has stated they schedule the LiveStreams for when they have something that is either significant to show(like the Pathing Test App on the 22nd) or it a significant update to what has been shown previously(Planet Generator on the 22nd)

    Considering the time investment for Uber, I have no problems if they only show up once or twice a month, they pop into the forums frequently enough to drip feed us little timbits to keep us hooked.

  3. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    A livestream is fairly expensive in terms of prep etc. Making it shorter doesn't change the total cost much. Making it longer ditto except that it's hard to sit under hot lights for much longer.
  4. shandlar

    shandlar Member

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    Considering the solid majority opposed to the idea it seems the backer community agrees with the level/pace of information being given out. Ofc we always say we want more, but most appear to accept the reality of what is reasonable and what would be detrimental to a productive game development.

    I personally appreciate the effort put into keeping us involved on almost a daily basis, and devs being so active on these forums. Its something special thats for sure.

    Also the frequency of the livestreams seems just about right to me as well. Any more often and you would be spending too many man/hours on the livestream production that could be spent towards more gameplay awesomeness. The balance you and your team have achieved is noteworthy for sure. Thank you for your efforts!

    Don't be too discouraged from offtopic or misinformed questions during the livestreams. The tech talk is superb, but sometimes requires two or three run throughs before it clicks for those of us with only minor coding backgrounds (a single c++ course ten years ago).
  5. supremevoid

    supremevoid Member

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    I agree 100% to this ^

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