2012 Private Match Community

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by teapot, January 31, 2012.

  1. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Chron just told me yesterday that you guys didn't want him to host any more because "you guys can handle it on your own" to put it very nicely, and that his opinion doesn't carry any weight. He didn't specify if it was on these forums or xbox live, so I didn't bother to sift through a weeks worth of General Discussion / Clans & Teams forums to find out it may or may not be on here.
  2. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Whenever 12+ people get on who all "want to play in pm's" I instantly join / invite someone with a good host (99/100 Chron), tell him to drop what he's doin and host a pm. Me and him will sit in game with around 5 others, whilst everyone else is playing MW3 / Battlefield / Blitz mode / Skyrim / whatever. We both get pissed off because we just wasted our time and the other X people in the party because people say they'll join in 5 minutes, but just never do.

    /much needed rant.
  3. HiipFire

    HiipFire Active Member

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  4. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Your first name wouldn't be Josh, would it?
  5. HiipFire

    HiipFire Active Member

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    Nope. It definetly is not.
  6. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Whew! Okay, mind if I add you?
  7. joker

    joker Active Member

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    The "opinion" thing came from an accumulation of mocking of how if I say something it must be accepted as fact. The hosting thing came from an accumulation of how I'm always host, only good on host, complaints about my host. These two points have happened several times drespite my opinions often being fact and the clear evidence of how when I don't host games aren't played. I also ******* HATE people taking forever to join while setting up like its a private match buffet. Also my best games of sniper are off host which I find kind of funny myself, and even off host I'm still picked first and over good player hosts. Trust me when I say despite the stupid shlt I do or say occasionally that I have to hear and put up with more annoying bullshlt than anyone else to make this pm community work. I have to set up every match and find all the players, field complaints about team balance, captains, feelings being hurt, etc etc, then hear dumb shlt about how I treat it like a job, and how I need to grow up because I'm unbelievably arrogant and care too much. News flash, if everybody else would grow the fvck up it wouldn't be so damn hard to orchestrate this community.

    We haven't played in a week because I enjoy not putting up with this and playing a new game with good friends and what you all say as "growing up". I'm sure you can now all see why I haven't bothered lately
  8. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Yeah, unfortunately. It's too much effort to get everyone into the game, let alone playing any matches.
  9. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    MNC hardcore private match players playing other games?

  10. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    ^ 1v1 gears?
    I will host but i'm not going to sit and wait when i invite you join or i'm playing more league.
  11. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Partial solution:

    Almost anyone can set up a Private lobby just for picking teams and such. Share the load. Offer to take some of the burden by setting up that lobby. After all, most of the challenge is getting people to join.

    Then Chron, Teapot, Goldielocks or MLG can invite the parties into their hosted lobby.

    Hopefully that will help spread the stresses of setting up PMs instead of putting it all on one person.
  12. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Won't matter. I literally spam everyone with 4+ party invites whenever me and Chron think there are enough people on to do one, but in the last 2 weeks and we barely got any matches going. If we are going to get matches going we need to get more players / get old players interested again in pm's.
  13. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Here's to another thread whose purpose was supposed to be helpful, but is instead full of **** talk and stupidity.

    If you weren't happy with the difficulty of setting up privates, then you probably should have made a post reflecting that... There was a time where I carried the load of the private match community on my back too, and I know how annoying it is. Every time I've hosted recently, I get complaints saying how bad it is. Namely Chollo and Wildman complain about my host 9 out of 10 times.

    However, you and gunked started going at it for no reason, a couple of us told you guys to chill out in this thread, and you post about how you're done hosting?

    If you were just annoyed at the fact that hosting's a bitch, then so be it. Instead you made it sound like you took offense to the fact that deadpool and I basically told you to shut up with the trash talk, and rage quit the game. That's exactly how I'm interpreting it, because nobody else in this thread could have caused any of that. I'd love to know what caused all of this, because if it's just based on this thread, I find that extremely pathetic.
  14. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    What I've made of this thread so far is:
    -Teapot is trying to orchestrate private matches.
    -Chron is trying to praise himself.
    -Wildman is trying to praise Chron.
    -Jon and aforementioned newer players are trying to orchestrate private matches with Teapot.

    Honestly, no one gives AFlyingTaco about who started this argument or who hosts the private or whatever. That's all in the past, and we just want to see some private games happen. I know you feel the need to defend yourself Chron, but try and let it slip for now so we can focus on the matter at hand. Same for you Wildman, just move forward and see what we can do to continue in the right direction.
  15. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    If anyone who reads this post wants to go recruit more regular PM players with me over the next few nights, send me an invite on XBL if you see me on.

  16. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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  17. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    More often than not, you spend more time in lobbies that are almost full than you spend actually playing.
  18. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    Aww I'm in the "rarely" section :(

    FWIW it's not because I don't want to play privates. I would ditch pubs at a moments notice any day of the week for private matches.

    It has more to do with work/life vs. getting on my xbox. I need more time for MNC. Anyone wanna make my car payments so I don't have to work anymore?

    EDIT: Also, I'd like to be listed as Gunner/Assassin. I want to play gunner a lot in privates, but I get pidgeon holed into assassin most of the time :(
  19. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    great questions dale.

    1) if you ever tried to set one up yourself, or play in one, you would understand. It's actually that simple! All you have to do, is actually be a part of something to understand how it works!

    Jon, I've been looking for new players. All of them have declined lately.
    Last edited: February 8, 2012
  20. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Teapot, it's usually better to respond to dadale with simple, easy to understand statements that don't require any kind of response. You're just begging to have your topic derailed again.

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