2012 Private Match Community

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by teapot, January 31, 2012.

  1. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Previously to chron coming back and hosting the majority, we did a pretty good job of hosting them daily around 5:00 EST. I think we went for about 2 weeks straight at one point, and as the days went on I would see more and more people sign on around that time.

    The numbers have dwindled from what I see, but it sounds like you guys are doing okay.

    I won't be updating this thread and it'd be better for you guys if someone would make a new one.

    How many new players have you guys had recently? I'd say the only way to really gather people is to recruit from pubs and then teach/train them personally to bring them up to speed. I plan on getting back into the game a little bit, but not like before.

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