2 months to release and the game feels like pre-alpha and is a letdown. Please delay the release.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by larse, October 27, 2013.

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  1. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Ok then, how would you propose that the stretch goals are all going to be feature complete by the release?
  2. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Well I were more thinking about the people who pre-ordered it for a smaller cost than the current "Early access" price.
    They might be disappointed if they have to wait even more to play PA.
  3. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    I am not proposing anything. All kickstarter stretch goals are part of final release. Uber has stated multiple times during and after the kickstarter. If they choose to delay it that would be fine. But is there enough revenue coming in to do that?
    Last edited: October 27, 2013
  4. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    ooooh, okay I misunderstood you.
  5. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    My two cents "be positive".
    It's a talented team.
    LavaSnake, hearmyvoice and lokiCML like this.
  6. evolvexxx

    evolvexxx Member

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    I don't give a **** if people like me (who since the alpha bought the actual game) want it to be released, I want the game to be good, not to be released fast but be awful....
    heyiisrandom likes this.
  7. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    if Uber can handle it ok.
  8. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    I have to agree with most of the OP, the game is not in a state thats near releaseable. Its not that balance is off but that most mechanics and units to start balancing dont even exist.

    Please dont rush the release, if it takes more time push it back. At least Id understand that completely. Its a huge project, delays can and do happen.
    One of the problems is the endless excuses like "Alpha is Alpha" or "Beta is Beta" completely missing the point. Its not that PAs major problems are some bugs or missing features, its the lack of progress in relation to the time left. Note that I do NOT state that PA doesnt make progress, its just a bit on the slow side when you keep in mind its only 8 weeks till release. Theres so much thats plain incomplete, closing in on the release date there should only be minor bugs and balancing issues be left to do. Just the balancing of a game with such huge dimensions can take longer than that, and there isnt even a complete unitset to even start with it.

    The point of money, well, if it runs out and nothing more can be sourced: Full release. Everything, documentation, code, art,... and let the community handle/fix it.

    And release is where a game is judged, there is no more "Release is Release" excuse or however it will be called then. If an unfinished bugged and overall bad game is released its a plain insult to customers. A statement, full of arrogance, that they do not matter and just have to deal with whatever they get,showing that they mean nothing to the people who took the money. I honestly dont think this is Ubers way of handling it at all, I just cant imagin it.
    Such releases usually ruin the community as it splits into 3 major groups. The diehard fanboys, everything is alright for them and the ones that complain are worthless nay sayers. The disappointed trolls exaggerating real issues and annoy everyone. And a tiny fraction of people who just want that damn game to work and be fun to play.

    The potential of PA is huge, it could be a legendary game like TA was/is. Once the cutting down of features starts the downfall usually is not stoppable. Seen it with "big" titles.
    Some things that have a great chance of breaking the game IMHO are:
    -) Air 2.0 in its current state. Disgusting.
    -) Performance
    -) UI
    -) BALANCE(!) and completely flat gameplay. Also the HUGE dependency on spawnluck.
    -) Terrain, it plays next to no role now. It isnt useable like it was in TA.
    -) Mods. It looks to me that PA will reach a state where a player without mods has little to no chance of winning against a roughly equally skilled player using loads of mods to help him. Basically just economy and build helpers. But than, there will be "advanced" stuff that really ruins it. For example micromanaging a Dox ball automatically.
    What Ive read, this will be possible since scripts can simulate user input. Now just grab frames from the engine, perform some image analysis and react to events. Enemy tank group moves forward - pull back bots. Rocket tower spottet, the script knows its range and just moves the bots around it.
    Giant advantage and whilst not an easy task, it will be done. Thats like providing an API for "hacking" the game and breaking it completely.
    And if these "mods" go for sale then we are back to pay to win. First you pay for the game and then a second time to win, rofl.

    Enough of negative stuff, the game came a long way and achieved quite a lot by now. It would be a shame wasting it with a rushed release. So I have good hope to see exciting new builds that slowly but surely progress towards a final version. The dev team surely has a plan for a stunning release and ways to achieve that. If it doesnt happen in December, so be it, no problem here.

    Push back release and provide some stunning quality, much preferred to unfinished stuff not exploiting the full potential PA has. I dont care about the when but for WHAT is delivered.
    smallcpu likes this.
  9. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Like many people stated before: Uber probably has no choice but to release in December. I imagine them being as unhappy as we are about it. But that won't change anything.
    We just have to endure whatever the game's state will be in December and judge the game based on what Uber will be delivering post-release. We'll just have to be a little more patient, and hope that it won't be too far away from being a finished product.
  10. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    Yeah i felt this post comming, as more and more posts were submitted about missing features and endless discussions about them.

    This post, in my opinion, forces them to finally respond to these kinds of concerns the community has about the current state of the game. And i hope they will respond.

    People from the kickstarter are investers and they shouldn't treat them this way, and with this way i mean they are ignoring them and are not replying to the unanswered questions. If they release this game and it's bad there is no way in hell we are going to fund them another kickstarter, or anyone for that matter because the shitstorm that will be released will be endless and horrible, it will simply be the end of the studio as we know it, but that's speculation i know.

    I hope they will reply, they hired a community manager for goodness sake, he should deal with these issues, but instead he makes podcasts for 45 mins each about absolutely nothing, while it would be a FAR better investment to respond to some of the questions and unrest that are on this forum, information isn't hard to give and they should just do.

    So uber please respond, this really should be cleared up by now.
    Last edited: October 27, 2013
    doud and bradaz85 like this.
  11. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    This : WTF is the community manager doing ? Wasn't he supposed to help/replace Garat when it's about providing answers to the community ? Yeah, there's a huge community, but where is the manager ? :mad:
    bradaz85 and stormingkiwi like this.
  12. tbos

    tbos Member

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    Yeah I am sorry to say it but i have to agree.

    I kinda feel mislead by the pretty pictures and cool trailers. But atm the game is really dissapointing. Half of the time a game crashes the other half a game is just really boring because there is no diverse gameplay. Playing on a round map just doesnt cut it... we need more
    bradaz85 likes this.
  13. bytestream

    bytestream Active Member

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    I'm still new to PA, just started playing recently but I do have to say that I agree with the majority: Do not release in December!

    The game is not what I think it should be yet. Some features are missing, the UI is not up to snuff and we have more than enough performance issues. I don't know how much progress Uber is currently making, but I seriously doubt that they can iron out all of that before Christmas.
    My fear is, that if the game is release in it's current state or with just a few improvements it won't be received to well. "Potential" will probably be the word reviewers use most to describe it, and, given the history that word has (StarDrive, Godus, Rome II, ...) that's clearly not a good thing.

    What Uber however could do is to drop the price once again in December. Lower it to $50, release a new content patch simultaneously but still call your game beta. It may be just a word, but it still has it's power. People, at least lots of them, apply different standard to a game called beta, they show more tolerance when it comes to bugs, missing features or the game not being as polished as it should be.
  14. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Hum, no, we did not invest any money :
    If PA is a million seller, we won't get any royalies :D
    If PA does not succeed, then our mony is gone. which basically means : it's allready gone and we knew this from the very beginning. It's just a bet and because we could safely trust Uber to achieve this. Now, Uber people are humans, and anything can happen. And basically when you put your money in kickstarter, you accept that any project can be a failure or a success.
    Grimseff, Quitch and paulusss like this.
  15. tbos

    tbos Member

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    and i reeeeeeaaaaaaally hope they are gonna chance those stupid round bullets soon cuz it looks like sh*t.

    sorry but i just had to say it
  16. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    If they release in December, it will be reviewed as if it was final release.

    IT will be bought as if it was final release.

    Beta is Beta will no longer be a valid excuse.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  17. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    True but if they release a bad product there finished because no one will kickstart fund them anymore. I know the investers titel it to mutch, but they should see it as if we are. I know we can make no demands, but atleast have the guts to stand up for yourself and respond because ignoring it will make it worse and worse.
  18. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    Not really. It's technically 'released' because anyone can buy it right now on Steam. But with the understanding that the game is in Beta. If they dropped the price and kept the game in Beta on December, then... it's still in beta.

    Minecraft did basically the same thing. It was in Beta for... what, six months? A year? And it added features and polish the entire time. And still is.

    The "Release everything all at once and it be perfect" system really only works for big developers, not indie or Kickstarter-funded ones.

    I think if they keep it in beta as long as they need to, the game will be a lot better off for it.
    Grimseff, camycamera and stormingkiwi like this.
  19. camycamera

    camycamera Member

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    Honestly I think we just need to sit back and see what happens. lets the devs worry about getting things done and the release date.

    although I have had a similar issue of a game releasing too early out of beta.

    That game was PlanetSide 2, and although I still play the hell out of the game (and is by far my most played game according to steam), the game got out of beta WAY too early, and it also tried to get the Christmas money. It basically released as BF3 but less stupid, persistent and much bigger, but looking at its roadmap I, as well as many others, thought that it should have stayed in beta until all of those features that made PS1 great were in PS2. However to this day they haven't put them in, as now they are holding everything on the roadmap back to focus on very large optimisation patches which, quite frankly, should have been done at launch. However I do think they will get all of the features on the roadmap on the game within the next year (hopefully), and they are planning to support the game for 10 years, I don't wan't PA to do the same mistake PS2 did.

    just my 2 cents on this issue.
    Grimseff likes this.
  20. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Stardrive also did the same thing... The full game was released while it was still in Beta.

    It just needs to still be publicised as Beta. I.e. December release was pushed back. No price changes, that deadline just pushed back to a more realistic date.
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