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Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by panews, May 13, 2020.

  1. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    Hello Commanders,

    We have a new PTE build for testing.

    TITANS Balance Changes

    Queued area load and unload can now be used to create a temporary ferry.

    • Build range increased to 30 from 20
    Icarus Solar Drone
    • Speed increased to 50 from 30
    Stryker attack vehicle
    • Speed increased to 20 from 15 (faster than Dox)
    • Rate of fire increased to 0.5 from 0.4
    • Range increased to 145 from 130
    • Firing standard deviation decreased to 0.75 from 1.0
    • Idle aim delay decreased to 0.5 from 1.0
    • Yaw ranged increased to 135 from 90
    Drifter hover tank
    • Range increased to 115 from 100
    • Damage increased to 125 from 120
    Pelter medium range artillery
    • Firing standard deviation increased to 0.5 from 0.35
    • Range decreased to 240 from 260
    Orbital Launcher
    • Cost decreased to 1,500 from 2,000
    Mend advanced combat fabricator (check the build range)
    • Can now build Anti-Nuke Launchers and Umbrella anti-orbital defenses
    Anchor defense satellite
    • Ground weapon range reduced to 80 from 100
    Jig gas mining platform
    • Metal production decreased to 30 from 36
    • Energy production decreased to 7,500 from 9,000

    Technical Notes

    Client Improvements

    • Added build range preview (control)
    • Added official support link to start menu (and removed community support link)
    Client Fixes
    • Fixed black screen issue where load event for splash image failed to fire (patched by community mods)
    • Fixed strategic icons and fog of war lighting showing when units teleporting
    System Editor Improvements
    • Added export to system editor for fast backups while creating maps
    • Added description, creator and version to system editor
    System Editor Fixes
    • Fixed system editor metal sport validation
    • Fixed unselectable sunken CSG in system editor
    Server / Sim Improvements
    • Added continuous area load / chase and interplanetary area load / unload (queued area load / unload orders can be used for temporary ferry)
    • Added terrain height adjustments to planet builder
    Server / Sim Fixes
    • Fixed transport / distance with teleport load / unload exploits
    • Fixed death explosion damaging their own wreckage
    • Fixed move sub tasks targeting a unit only targeting initial position resulting in missed air / orbital loads for moving units
    • Fixed nav agent targeting of lower layers by air / orbital not excluding radius of each agent resulting in missed loads as vertical move outside of goal range
    • Partially fixed attack (focus fire) charging to their death for units with a firing delay, ballistic solutions, etc
    • Added load_range and chase_range to transporter spec
    • Added --no-sun and --no-planets with hidden black biome for video capture

    Terrain Height Adjustment Example

    Safe adjustments are around ±100 (lower numbers combined with height usually work better).

        "name": "test",
        "description": "",
        "author": "",
        "version": "",
        "planets": [
                "name": "test",
                "mass": 20000,
                "position_x": 13400,
                "position_y": 1200,
                "velocity_x": 17.19521141052246,
                "velocity_y": -192.0131072998047,
                "required_thrust_to_move": 0,
                "starting_planet": true,
                "respawn": false,
                "start_destroyed": false,
                "min_spawn_delay": 0,
                "max_spawn_delay": 0,
                "planet": {
                    "seed": 1,
                    "radius": 500,
                    "heightRange": 100,
                    "waterHeight": 50,
                    "waterDepth": 100,
                    "temperature": 100,
                    "metalDensity": 50,
                    "metalClusters": 50,
                    "metalSpotLimit": -1,
                    "biomeScale": 50,
                    "biome": "grass",
                    "symmetryType": "terrain and CSG",
                    "symmetricalMetal": true,
                    "symmetricalStarts": true,
                    "numArmies": 2,
                    "landingZonesPerArmy": 0,
                    "landingZoneSize": 0,
                    "heightAdjustments": [
                            "adjustment": -50,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 100,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [

    JS example of 10 equally spaced terrain height adjustments using golden circle for a 600 radius planet in the System Editor scene using the debugger:

    (function(count, adjustment, radius)
        var planetRadius = model.radius();
        var increment = Math.PI * (3 - Math.sqrt(5));
        var offset = 2 / count;
        var adjustments = [];
        for (var k = 0; k < count; k++)
            var y = k * offset - 1 + (offset / 2);
            var r = Math.sqrt(1 - y * y);
            phi = k * increment;
                adjustment: adjustment,
                radius: radius,
                pos: [planetRadius * Math.cos(phi) * r, planetRadius * y, planetRadius * Math.sin(phi) * r]
    })(10, 30, 100)

    Lave biome with generated terrain height adjustments:

        "name": "test",
        "description": "",
        "version": "",
        "planets": [
                "name": "test",
                "mass": 20000,
                "position_x": 13400,
                "position_y": 1200,
                "velocity_x": -17.19521141052246,
                "velocity_y": 192.0131072998047,
                "required_thrust_to_move": 0,
                "starting_planet": true,
                "respawn": false,
                "start_destroyed": false,
                "min_spawn_delay": 0,
                "max_spawn_delay": 0,
                "planet": {
                    "seed": 1,
                    "radius": 600,
                    "heightRange": 10,
                    "waterHeight": 0,
                    "waterDepth": 0,
                    "temperature": 100,
                    "metalDensity": 50,
                    "metalClusters": 50,
                    "metalSpotLimit": -1,
                    "biomeScale": 50,
                    "biome": "lava",
                    "symmetryType": "terrain and CSG",
                    "symmetricalMetal": true,
                    "symmetricalStarts": true,
                    "numArmies": 2,
                    "landingZonesPerArmy": 0,
                    "landingZoneSize": 0,
                    "heightAdjustments": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "adjustment": 30,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [

    • fixed area load crash
    • Added support for interplanetary area and line formations with load / unload
    • Fixed move sub tasks targeting a unit only targeting initial position resulting in missed air / orbital loads for moving units
    • Fixed nav agent targeting of lower layers by air / orbital not excluding radius of each agent resulting in missed loads as vertical move outside of goal range
    • Partially fixed attack (focus fire) charging to their death for units with a firing delay, ballistic solutions, etc
    • Fixed api.terrain_editor.toggleShowWater
    • Grenadier
      • Range increased to 145 from 130
      • Yaw ranged increased to 200 from 90
      • Idle aim delay decreased to 0.5 from 1.0
      • Firing standard deviation decreased to 0.75 from 1.0
    • Pelter medium range artillery
      • Firing standard deviation increased to 0.5 from 0.35
      • Range decreased to 240 from 260
    • Jig gas mining platform
      • Metal production decreased to 30 from 36
      • Energy production decreased to 7,500 from 9,000
    • Modding
      • Added --no-sun and --no-planets with hidden black biome for video capture
    • Grenadier
      • Yaw ranged increased to 135 from 90
    • Added normalizedAdjustment property to terrain height adjustments with range -1 (water bottom) to 1 (max height)
    • Added water-hover nav type for low draft brown water navy access to shallows
    • Changed Piranha gunboat / sea scout to water-hover
    • Fixed all commanders to have identical mesh bounds based on base commander spec
    • Added alt / option key alternative area build:
      • alt_area_build_separation
      • alt_area_build_type
      • alt_area_build_pattern
    • Changed area shape orientation to suit line based patterns
    • Added alternative area builds for:
      • Four wide strips of land mines
      • Double walls
      • Nuke farm sphere
      • Double Galata Anti-Air
      • Double Flak Cannon Advanced Anti-Air
    • Updated Piranha sea scout to be flat bottom water hover with fixed turret
    • Fixed attack task requiring move for weapons target and commander ubercannon (d-gun) regression
    • Fixed system editor remove planet regression
    • Update translations
    • Corrected area build unit orientation
    • Added unit_spec and army index to unit state JSON for map units capture
    Last edited: June 16, 2020
  2. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • fixed area load crash
  3. bthirteen

    bthirteen Member

    Likes Received:
    TITANS Balance Changes
    • Queued area load and unload can now be used to create a temporary ferry.

    *Great idea, will surely spin gameplay. Great general gameplay improvement! Tutorial on that tho?

    Rating 5/5

    • Build range increased to 30 from 20

    *Improvement to the game, making start position divisible and more fun. Building over 2 pgens sounds really nice and possibly removing all running in circles bug with commander when there is a lot of queueing going on.

    Rating: 5/5

    Icarus Solar Drone
    • Speed increased to 50 from 30

    *Buffs will actually make ICARUS a thing early on the same as early boom bot snipe or spark drop. Maybe with further testing will allow air openers on ground maps. (Nik glhf with double air openers). The problem with that is that kinda forces the second T1 to be an air factory. In a practice where the first T1 is bots and the second one is tanks not sure if Icarus can get to fabbers faster than spinner can get to fabbers on first and second natural metal expos. (Needs testing)

    Rating: Unknown. (Will update but sounds good on first sight)

    Stryker attack vehicle
    • Speed increased to 20 from 15 (faster than Dox)

    *Not big fan of this because I’m not sure what are you aiming at. I think stryker is made to counter early dox raiding and stop boom bots snipes (since the last patch) but making them so fast kinda kills tank definition. Because you get the same amount of dox and strykers at factories, strykers would do dox job way better! So reason why would meta be dox first only comes to speed of fabbers and every single proxy and standard factory would be stryker and that would be even better, because you can, in the mid part of a game swap to tanks who bring more value. (10 metal isn't that big of a thing to consider when watching cost per unit). My recommendation would be to keep stryker movement speed slower at 12 or 13 BUT increase firing range so they can defend better and have the ability to kite for second or two which will grant engagement into strykers favors (mostly in the early game) until you swap to ant production for later stages of the game. Logic as I see it: dox for raiding and scouting later cannon fodder, stryker defensive unit to allow more economical\tank openers, its value should drop after the early game under ant.


    Rating: 2/5 Removes reason to get dox to some extent if there isn't any water area and forces more and more pure tank meta

    • Rate of fire increased to 0.5 from 0.4

    *Big buff to the unit, but it is so hard to control unit and they don’t do the job well at all, kinda useless (Same problem with Hornets) They are units that allow early game army vs army poking and open T1 game of attrition but the main role as turret destroyers isn’t there at this point.

    Rating: 3/5

    Drifter hover tank
    • Range increased to 115 from 100
    • Damage increased to 125 from 120
    *Really like this one, because they are better version ants but they still don’t have the main role to fill compared to Ants. They are used for raiding at multi-island gameplay and torpedo defenses destroyers but still not good enough. They should be furthermore specialized to make an impact. I would increase the damage a little more to 140. So it 3 shoots Slammers (soft counter to T2 bots) and their rate of fire should be lowered to compensate for damage and range increase. That would make them really powerful flanking units and give reason to build and use in main fights with good army composition. Let's say mass T1 units vs T2 slammer rush could be defended in that case! Move-in right direction

    Rating: 3/5 Not specialized to a good level.

    Orbital Launcher
    • Cost decreased to 1,500 from 2,000
    *Had to check what the f is that. Anyways good change. It will allow faster orbital transition but the problem we have then is that orbital fabbers cost 1,300 and factory is 200 metal more? Plus Jigs need to chill down a little bit, they are extremely snowbally. If a player is allowed to build one or two of those it is over. How orbital gameplay is shallow, there isn’t too much counterplay if you are late on orbital gameplay (for standard players out there). You have to win instantly what is hard to accomplish or you lose the game by getting overrun. T2 metal extractors will get outshined by Jigs at this point.

    Rating: 4/5 But it brings so many more problems than solutions.

    Mend advanced combat fabricator (check the build range)
    • Can now build Anti-Nuke Launchers and Umbrella anti-orbital defenses
    *YES! Finally, Nimzo won’t be able to nuke my army with 5 nukes before they get to his base in team games! (much love). But how fast can get Mend to get anti-nuke out? Isn’t by that logic better to use Mends than T2 fabbers? Maybe that Mends produce anti orbital with only 1 anti-nuke rocket while T2 fabbers build with the capacity of 3.

    Rating: 5/5

    Anchor defense satellite
    • Ground weapon range reduced to 80 from 100
    *Ok, guess after Clopse testing with range, that puts it at general range as it should be? Guess they are being used for orbital defense over the ground, which is good.

    Rating: 5/5
    Quitch and NikolaMX like this.
  4. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    Added more examples.
  5. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Added support for interplanetary area and line formations with load / unload
    • Fixed move sub tasks targeting a unit only targeting initial position resulting in missed air / orbital loads for moving units
    • Fixed nav agent targeting of lower layers by air / orbital not excluding radius of each agent resulting in missed loads as vertical move outside of goal range
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  6. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Partially fixed attack (focus fire) charging to their death for units with a firing delay, ballistic solutions, etc
    • Fixed api.terrain_editor.toggleShowWater
    • Grenadier
      • Range increased to 145 from 130
      • Yaw ranged increased to 200 from 90
      • Idle aim delay decreased to 0.5 from 1.0
      • Firing standard deviation decreased to 0.75 from 1.0
    • Pelter medium range artillery
      • Firing standard deviation increased to 0.5 from 0.35
      • Range decreased to 240 from 260
    • Jig gas mining platform
      • Metal production decreased to 30 from 36
      • Energy production decreased to 7,500 from 9,000
    • Modding
      • Added --no-sun and --no-planets with hidden black biome for video capture
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
  7. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Grenadier
      • Yaw ranged increased to 135 from 90
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
  8. redarrow7216

    redarrow7216 Member

    Likes Received:
    I guess turtling got a nerf and we'll see a lot more grenadiers.. :)
  9. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Added normalizedAdjustment property to terrain height adjustments with range -1 (water bottom) to 1 (max height)
  10. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    Normalised Terrain Height Adjustment Example

        "name": "test",
        "description": "",
        "author": "",
        "version": "",
        "planets": [
                "name": "test",
                "mass": 20000,
                "position_x": 13400,
                "position_y": 1200,
                "velocity_x": 17.19521141052246,
                "velocity_y": -192.0131072998047,
                "required_thrust_to_move": 0,
                "starting_planet": true,
                "respawn": false,
                "start_destroyed": false,
                "min_spawn_delay": 0,
                "max_spawn_delay": 0,
                "planet": {
                    "seed": 1,
                    "radius": 500,
                    "heightRange": 100,
                    "waterHeight": 50,
                    "waterDepth": 100,
                    "temperature": 100,
                    "metalDensity": 50,
                    "metalClusters": 50,
                    "metalSpotLimit": -1,
                    "biomeScale": 50,
                    "biome": "grass",
                    "symmetryType": "terrain and CSG",
                    "symmetricalMetal": true,
                    "symmetricalStarts": true,
                    "numArmies": 2,
                    "landingZonesPerArmy": 0,
                    "landingZoneSize": 0,
                    "heightAdjustments": [
                            "normalizedAdjustment": -1,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [
                            "normalizedAdjustment": -1,
                            "radius": 200,
                            "pos": [

    JS example of 10 equally spaced terrain height adjustments using golden circle for a 600 radius planet in the System Editor scene using the debugger:

    (function(count, adjustment, radius)
        var planetRadius = model.radius();
        var increment = Math.PI * (3 - Math.sqrt(5));
        var offset = 2 / count;
        var adjustments = [];
        for (var k = 0; k < count; k++)
            var y = k * offset - 1 + (offset / 2);
            var r = Math.sqrt(1 - y * y);
            phi = k * increment;
                normalizedAdjustment: adjustment,
                radius: radius,
                pos: [planetRadius * Math.cos(phi) * r, planetRadius * y, planetRadius * Math.sin(phi) * r]
    })(10, 1, 100)
  11. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Added water-hover nav type for low draft brown water navy access to shallows
    • Changed Piranha gunboat / sea scout nav type to water-hover
    • Fixed all commanders to have identical mesh bounds based on base commander spec
    TODO: Update Piranha model to flat bottom on water surface.
    Last edited: June 10, 2020
  12. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Is it possible to restrict a unit to the shallows only, or is the choice between deep water or both?
  13. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Where would you envision building your shallow-water only unit?
  14. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Added alt / option key alternative area build:
      • alt_area_build_separation
      • alt_area_build_type
      • alt_area_build_pattern
    • Changed area shape orientation to suit line based patterns
    • Added alternative area builds for:
      • Four wide strips of land mines
      • Double walls
      • Nuke farm sphere
      • Double Galata Anti-Air
      • Double Flak Cannon Advanced Anti-Air
    Last edited: June 10, 2020
    Remy561, emarkus and killerkiwijuice like this.
  15. emarkus

    emarkus Active Member

    Likes Received:
    alternative area command sounds useful.
  16. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Updated Piranha sea scout to be flat bottom water hover with fixed turret
    • Fixed attack task requiring move for weapons target and commander ubercannon (d-gun) regression
    • Fixed system editor remove planet regression
    Remy561 likes this.
  17. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Updated translations
    • Corrected area build unit orientation
    • Added unit_spec and army index to unit state JSON for map units capture
    Last edited by a moderator: June 17, 2020
  18. panews

    panews Planetary News Official PA

    Likes Received:
    • Fixed patrol task repeat spin

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