Definitely willing, but I'm out doing sound on an event right now. I can do after 1600 GMT in the afternoon today though. Just to make it easier, where do you live?
Wow, I do know from reddit that the broadband situation there is horrid, but I never thought it to be that bad. We can do something over the weekend though.
Oh no, internet can be great for people in towns, in fact the US has some of the best internet, the only problem is the coverage for said internet... I live 14 miles outside of a small town, all I can get is satellite internet, which is horrible. If I lived in town I could get 2mb/s unlimited data for much cheaper than I'm currently paying for my internet plan...
I just heard it's way overpriced for the cost and the unregulated monopolies are killing any chance at advancement. Just to give you a taster: I can get fiber broadband even way outside London, 50up/50down, for £35 a month.
Sure thing, also, I've seen really great prices, depends on provider and where you live tbh, all I know is when /I/ lived in England I had 300kb/s xP now, here, I'm getting really bad internet because of how far I am away from a tiny town already. 60 or so dollars (About 40 pounds I think) for 14mbps (Btw I assume that's what you mean XD ) and that's only when I have broadband!
I so envy you living out there. I live in central London and I'm going absolutely mental.
Yeah, I did mean Mbps. :)
To be fair, BT can suck a lemon as well, their rates on copper are horribly overpriced and the service is bad, even in the middle of the city. On my old contract the best they could physically give me on copper was 6 meg. Fiber FTW!
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