Hello UberEnt Forums, Myself and a friend have played MNC a lot today and decided to create a casual MNC team. Casual meaning that we play to win, but if we don't win, its not a big deal. We try not to complain, and we try our best. Thats about it. If you feel as though you would want to join this team that is now unnamed, please feel free to leave a post here and include your Xbox Live Gamertag, your favorite class, and your playstyle. My name is Jiztin, feel free to add me or send me a message on Xbox, or comment here. We are looking for 12-20 people and hope to fill this roster quick. No offense to younger players but we do not want anyone who is not mature enough to follow casual "orders" or listen to other team members. Thanks, and hope to see you in the Arena! CONTACT JIZTIN OR LOGIIII FOR QUESTIONS ON XBL! Form: Gamertag: Favorite Class: Playstlye: Team Name:Undecided Roster:(No Ranks) Jiztin-Founder Logiiii-Founder NExNinjamiN ijustownedjoo drunkdriver23 frosty2012 F1R4K komander kyle ItalianBeastr0 billdlegend TitanB Prospering Orion The Free oogabex ABAGOFWETSAND sF Chicken Foot oULTRABEATDOWNo Intricasm Hawkhaven Bufger KamkaziChicila
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team Gamertag= NExNinjamiN Favorite classes= Assault, Sniper/Support Playstyle= Assualt- I prefer to stay at range and blast people with grenade traps set for knocking people out of the ring or I like to rush either flank and charge people. Sniper- well... snipe. Support- focus on overhealing teamtes and turrets.
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team Gamertag: drunkdriver23 Fav. class: sniper Playstyle: Even though I like the sniper class I don't just stay back and snipe without helping the team with the money ball. I push forward no scopeing and quick scopeing also using the SMG to reach and destroy the money ball. Though I have a favorite class I will play what helps the team stay balanced or what we need to win.
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team i am the free agent of teams, so add and invite to play with me ill play with any group, i hate playing by myself GT; komander kyle Classes:Support, tank, assualt playstyle; im a big team player, i love escroting the bot and long walks the beach or the enaemys base
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team Gamertag: F1R4K Favorite Class: support/sniper/assualt I just started playing so I don't really know how to describe my playing style, but I know how to play the game and I want to be on a team that knows how to work together and play as a team. So just let me know when you're playin and I'll join. I pretty much rape with the support class now though
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team Tag: Orion The Free Favorite Class: Assualt Playstyle: Defense/Deterrence. I'm your man for base defense. especially on Gerade III which is my best map. Generally I go back and forth from one side to the other, rarely crossing the color border in the middle of the map. I'll get a kill every now-and-again and will proably get a lot of assists. I am super paranoid about Assassins (I have memorized what the sword slash sounds like :geek: ) and I constantly watch my back. "Oh is that a shimmer? CHARGE!" I also set up traps using my demo charges if an area seems particularly high in activity. However, one should note that I do swear a great deal, particularly in any instantces of lag screwing over my abilities. Also my friends will be getting this game soon so you might only want to use me as a back up if nobody else is available because once my comrades in arms obtain MNC I'll be hitting it hard with them. *Note that if you have an questions you can message me on XBL or send me a PM here.
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team Gamertagogabex Favorite Class: Assualt/Support/Gunner playstlye: Assualt- I am pretty offense focused when I play Assualt, I ALWAYS make sure to get my charge up to lvl 3 sooner than later(mostly for assassins who forget they can 1 hit kill me from the back). Support- I do my best to play the support role for my team, making sure my teamates are overhealed hacking the turrets that need to be hacked, making sure the other team doesnt get to enjoy their turrets with my bomb drop skill and setting down my fire base at places where the bots go to make sure its only our bots that get to the other side(at least one can hope ) Gunner- Somewhat like Assualt I am really offense and make sure to get the double mini guns at least within the first few minutes to give the other team something to worry about. I have a tendency to focus on destroying the other teams turrets with my mortar gun rather than, lets say, the sniper aiming for my big bald head. Finally-I should never EVER play sniper: let's just say when I play sniper I have the aiming ablities of a 5 year old that drank around 25 red bulls and just finished watching looney toons
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team This Sounds great! As long as everyone has a mic and is willingly to play as a team, I'm so down. Gamertag: Abagofwetsand Favorite Class: Support, support, support. Playstlye: I play in a very supportive style, playing mostly backfield as I keep my team's turrets up and bots spawning. I keep my firebase close to me at all times and my healgun ready (out of my 2.091 kd ratio, I have 104 kills on my shotgun, only use it against cloaked assassins) All players spawning get an overshield as they leave the base. I, however, am not glued to the base as I prepare to depart when ever service is requested of me. I met up with a few other players from the forum on live yesterday, great bunch of players and I'll be sure to let them know about this when I see them next.
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team Gamertag: sF Chicken Foot Classes: Tank / Assault Play Style: As the Tank I play a variety of roles. Bot Walker, Base Defense, Lane Defense, Bot Spawner. I average $5,700 / game
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team GamertagULTRABEATDOWNo Favorite Class:Support,Gunner,Assault Playstlye:Agressive,Defensive, and bacon!
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team Gamertag: Intricasm Favorite Class: Support, sometimes Gunner Playstyle: Typically this changed based on the situation, i'm mainly a defensive player, I like to stay around the base and defend the lanes. If I'm not staying around the base I like to go to whichever side is our 'weak side' and harass the enemy. If I can find a good Gunner to follow, well.. that's what I do. I don't play my gunner that often, so I don't really have any strats with him.
Re: Assembling A Casual MNC Team Gamertag: Hawkhaven Favorite Class: Assault and Support. Playstyle: (Assault) I usually try and push the bots through and push enemies back with my bombs and charge, or divert enemies to an alternate path if available and let others get the bots through. (Support) I play attack support and try and set my FireBase up in spots that aren't generally expected or set it up at the front line, heal it and try and push the bots through along with healing my team-mates if I see they need a heal. I'm not normally very serious and manage to rack up a decent amount of kills(between 10-25), but when I do put on the serious face I start to attack and push more and try to get bots through a bit more aggressively.
GT: Bufger Class: Tank, Gunner, Assassin or Support (whichever is needed at the time) Playstyle: With the gunner i attack and clear lanes for bots, i'll deploy near their base and take down whatever i can to give us one clear side of attack. With tank i'll defend and play the mid game ambushing enemies and taking down jackbots (and i'll spawn bots). With support i'll turret watch and hack everything to 3.3 and juice up and run in when the enemies ball is down. With assassin i'll take out key players, key bot resistance and any jackbot i see as a primary objective. When im ready to juice i'll sneak in and destroy their base defense (or if the ball is down i'll just spam attack it). So it depends which class im playing as to how i play it
Gamertag: KamkaizChicila Favorite Class: Assault/Sniper Playstlye: Aggressive Teamplayer, I always callout where I see the pros. Also I always go for the Money$Ball.