Processor Information: Vendor: GenuineIntel CPU Family: 0x6 CPU Model: 0x2a CPU Stepping: 0x7 CPU Type: 0x0 Speed: 2201 Mhz 8 logical processors 4 physical processors HyperThreading: Supported FCMOV: Supported SSE2: Supported SSE3: Supported SSSE3: Supported SSE4a: Unsupported SSE41: Supported SSE42: Supported Network Information: Network Speed: Operating System Version: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64 bit) Kernel Name: Linux Kernel Version: 3.13.0-24-generic X Server Vendor: The X.Org Foundation X Server Release: 11501000 X Window Manager: Xfwm4 Steam Runtime Version: steam-runtime-release_2014-04-15 Video Card: Driver: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 670MX/PCIe/SSE2 Driver Version: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 331.38 OpenGL Version: 4.4 Desktop Color Depth: 24 bits per pixel Monitor Refresh Rate: 59 Hz VendorID: 0x10de DeviceID: 0x11a1 Number of Monitors: 1 Number of Logical Video Cards: 2 Primary Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Desktop Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Primary Display Size: 13.58" x 7.64" (15.55" diag) 34.5cm x 19.4cm (39.5cm diag) Primary VRAM: 3072 MB Sound card: Audio device: Intel PantherPoint HDMI Memory: RAM: 7870 Mb Miscellaneous: UI Language: English LANG: en_US.UTF-8 Microphone: Not set Total Hard Disk Space Available: 444406 Mb Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 10185 Mb Installed software: Recent Failure Reports:
I suppose you need to be a bit more specific because @n00n have game client crash and not UI crash. E.g it's two unrelated problems.
Indeed, but I think you jinxed me as I did get a my first UI/Coherent crash today. While joining a lobby: Code: [13:21:35.097] INFO Connect to worked [13:21:38.922] INFO connection_LoginAccepted 22347 11:21:48.663943 A | PID: 22358 | 22358 11:21:48.660649 Assert failure: blob value of unknown type the blob value has unknown type 2308672200766202460 22347 11:21:48.663985 A | PID: 22358 | 22358 11:21:48.660658 blob value of unknown typ 22347 11:21:48.663994 A | PID: 22358 | 22358 11:21:48.660660 Assert failure: blob value of unknown type the blob value has unknown type 2308672200766202460 22347 11:21:48.664003 A | PID: 22358 | 22358 11:21:48.660661 blob value of unknown typ 22347 11:21:48.664011 A | PID: 22358 | 22358 11:21:48.660663 Assert failure: blob value of unknown type the blob value has unknown type 2308672243709780000 22347 11:21:48.664019 A | PID: 22358 | 22358 11:21:48.660664 blob value of unknown typ 22347 11:21:48.664028 A | PID: 22358 | 22358 11:21:48.660665 Assert failure: blob value of unknown type the blob value has unknown type 2308672243709780000 22347 11:21:48.664036 A | PID: 22358 | 22358 11:21:48.660666 blob value of unknown typ PA: malloc.c:3537: _int_malloc: Assertion `(fwd->size & 0x4) == 0' failed.
Unbelievably high amount of crashes. I can't even run a game without a crash now, one game I had to reconnect 16 times. UI and hard crashes. when the unit count is high, I get a hard crash. A vast majority of my crashes are Coherent UI crashes. I have 3 monitors, using the latest Nvidia drivers off a GTX 670, only the primary runs the game windowed. Due to steam starting child processes as daemon and me not chrooting it to just execute the binary, I can't get time of crash information.
You can always attach to process using "gdb -p" as root. And yeah you can as well put some script between Steam and game via Launch Options, e.g this will never execute game: Code: /tmp/ || %command% So basically Steam provide tons of controls over console, but to be fair I doubt that you can catch any useful info of why Coherent crashes. :-(
The client's crashing but looking at my system logs, it actually seems Coherent is almost always the cause?!: Code: % journalctl | grep -e "CoherentUI_Host.*segfault" | uniq -u | wc -l 156 % journalctl | grep -e "PA.*segfault" | wc -l 5 Update: So after realising that, I removed the host/ link that's no longer required (FS#1275). Then when running the game I could now see I was getting errors for "Too many open files". Increasing the limit (from the default 1024) to 4096 fixed that (seem "man limits.conf" and "man ulimit" for more info). So far I've played one game till the server crashed (killing the client along with it). I then watched a couple of replays and did have one crash after quite a while of fast forwarding, rewinding, jumping about and what not. So with limited testing it seems a bit better now but will have to test further and report back.
Ok I was still getting a crash every match or so. I have since upgraded my system: Code: Processor Information: Vendor: GenuineIntel CPU Family: 0x6 CPU Model: 0x3c CPU Stepping: 0x3 CPU Type: 0x0 Speed: 4400 Mhz 8 logical processors 4 physical processors HyperThreading: Supported FCMOV: Supported SSE2: Supported SSE3: Supported SSSE3: Supported SSE4a: Unsupported SSE41: Supported SSE42: Supported Network Information: Network Speed: Operating System Version: "Arch Linux" (64 bit) Kernel Name: Linux Kernel Version: 3.15.8-1-ARCH X Server Vendor: The X.Org Foundation X Server Release: 11600000 X Window Manager: wmii Steam Runtime Version: steam-runtime-release_2014-07-22 Video Card: Driver: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX TITAN/PCIe/SSE2 Driver Version: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 340.24 OpenGL Version: 4.4 Desktop Color Depth: 24 bits per pixel Monitor Refresh Rate: 59 Hz VendorID: 0x10de DeviceID: 0x1005 Number of Monitors: 1 Number of Logical Video Cards: 1 Primary Display Resolution: 1920 x 1200 Desktop Resolution: 1920 x 1200 Primary Display Size: 20.39" x 12.76" (24.02" diag) 51.8cm x 32.4cm (61.0cm diag) Primary Bus: PCI Express 16x Primary VRAM: 6144 MB Supported MSAA Modes: 2x 4x 8x 16x Sound card: Audio device: AV200 Memory: RAM: 32130 Mb Miscellaneous: UI Language: English LANG: en_GB.UTF-8 Microphone: Not set Total Hard Disk Space Available: 488098 Mb Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 386634 Mb Installed software: Recent Failure Reports: Since upgrading most crashes seem to be mostly occurring in cronocam. But attached is a crashdump from during gameplay. Build version: 69721 Build ID: 4e1921c540607dce064d1ba26ec291a7ef0f966f Graphics drivers: Nvidia (proprietary) v340.24
A few times now I've gotten a crash mid game with "double free or corruption" error (click for full output). Build version: 70289 Build ID: 7211223c217e7906ca6a53a469fe67b706bba3cd Graphics drivers: Nvidia (proprietary) v340.32
It'd be great if you could post the line that says something like "CrashID=bp-...." from the logs when you have a crash. That allows me to look it up in our systems. In addition, if you get "Upload limit reached" in your logs, you can delete /tmp/checkpoint.cpk to have PA upload more crashes. That file is used to prevent the game from uploading more than 10 crashes / day. Thank you for continuing to report your issues, hopefully we'll have them addressed soon.
I guess I'll better post that here as well: For me the game is unplayable right now. Out of the box it starts to a black screen with Code: libGL error: MESA-LOADER: could not create udev device for fd 10 14205 17:36:22.162925 W | PID: 14214 | 14214 17:36:22.159872 [14214:14214:ERROR:(0)] ContextGroup::Initialize failed because too few texture units. 14205 17:36:22.162941 W | PID: 14214 | 14214 17:36:22.159887 [14214:14214:ERROR:(0)] GpuScheduler::InitializeCommon failed because group failed to initialize. 14205 17:36:22.179528 W | PID: 14214 | 14231 17:36:22.168924 [] Failed to initialize command buffer service. Symlinking /usr/lib/ to a local get the game to start (cf. PA#1275) but breaks the cursor. My UI mod luckily fixes that at least. I then can join a game server, generate a system and work with the lobby. Actually starting the game results in a segmentation fault in my graphics drivers: Code: #0 in ?? () from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ #1 in crom::ras::GLRenderTarget::createBuffer #2 in crom::ras::GLRenderTarget::bindTarget #3 in crom::ras::GLRasterizer::setRenderTarget #4 in crom::RasRenLightingEngine::getDefaultShadowMap #5 in crom::RasRenShadowMap::resetShadowParams #6 in crom::RasRenLightingEnvironment::applyLight #7 in crom::RasRenLightingEnvironment::drawLight #8 in crom::RasRenLightingEnvironment::applyLighting #9 in crom::RasRenLightingEngine::endSolid #10 in crom::RasRenSceneViewport::renderLit #11 in crom::RasRen::renderLit #12 in client::ClientGame::updateAndPresent #13 in crom::SDLPlatform::runGame #14 in main Just tried it again with newest PTE: CrashID=bp-db5b7ca5-3727-41f0-ae3e-0cbeb2140904 Code: # System Information ## Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz ## Memory 7099556 kB ## Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 mesa 10.2.6-1 xf86-video-intel 2.99.914-4 ## Operating System Arch Linux Linux 3.16.1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 14 07:40:19 CEST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
As far as I get if you not disabled Steam runtime for some reason it's shouldn't be issue. Did you disabled it or not?
The problem is that if I use the provided by the steam runtime, the game won't start up properly. Apparently, loading both and causes those errors I posted above.
I did include the log with a few of the previous crash dumps. I was just watching the replay after completing a match and got the double free or corruption error (too long to include here) again. CrashID: bp-2f55270a-6b65-4f7b-bbd7-83c9e2140905 Build ID: f354fd407276ba7285905d82b31262c4fbec5a08 Build version: 71729 Graphics drivers: Nvidia (proprietary) v340.32
Here is my crash info. I try and start and it just crashes cannot even start a match. Processor Information: Vendor: GenuineIntel CPU Family: 0x6 CPU Model: 0x2a CPU Stepping: 0x7 CPU Type: 0x0 Speed: 3800 Mhz 8 logical processors 4 physical processors HyperThreading: Supported FCMOV: Supported SSE2: Supported SSE3: Supported SSSE3: Supported SSE4a: Unsupported SSE41: Supported SSE42: Supported Network Information: Network Speed: Operating System Version: Linux 3.10 (64 bit) Kernel Name: Linux Kernel Version: 3.16.1-1-ARCH X Server Vendor: The X.Org Foundation X Server Release: 11600000 X Window Manager: KWin Steam Runtime Version: steam-runtime-release_2014-08-20 Video Card: Driver: X.Org Gallium 0.4 on AMD REDWOOD Driver Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.2.6 OpenGL Version: 3.0 Desktop Color Depth: 24 bits per pixel Monitor Refresh Rate: 60 Hz VendorID: 0x1002 DeviceID: 0x68d8 Number of Monitors: 2 Number of Logical Video Cards: 1 Primary Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Desktop Resolution: 3520 x 1080 Primary Display Size: 20.04" x 11.26" (22.95" diag) 50.9cm x 28.6cm (58.3cm diag) Primary VRAM Not Detected Sound card: Audio device: Realtek ALC892 Memory: RAM: 7966 Mb Miscellaneous: UI Language: English LANG: C Microphone: Not set Total Hard Disk Space Available: 749112 Mb Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 600969 Mb Installed software: Recent Failure Reports:
If anyone else who using R600g interested then ou can track that issues here: PA#4048 There is crash within R600g for HD 5670 and it's weird...
Some more information on my problem: I built intel-dri without stripping symbols and now know the first two stackframes: Code: #0 0x00007fffe5aaff60 in _mesa_drawbuffers () from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ #1 0x00007fffe5ab04fd in _mesa_DrawBuffers () from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/ #2 0x000000000095c95d in crom::ras::GLRenderTarget::createBuffer (this=0x9f93070) Interestingly, when I build intel-dri with --enable-debugging the game works. I'll keep looking into that.
It seems crom::ras::GLRenderTarget::createBuffer calls glDrawBuffers(0, NULL) i.e. with a null pointer. I don't think that's an illegal call and that Mesa should be able to handle it, thus I'll probably file a bug for them. Still, does PA really need to do that call or could that be changed? Update Seems the problem was already reported and fixed in Mesa: Should be in the next release I guess.