I was just wondering this. Is it possible to undo the steam conversion? Most of the time I don't even want to have Steam installed on for example my laptop and just the launcher. But I just converted it and well now I can't undo it or have a second non steam key.
Nope you can't undo it. You can try contact Uber support: http://support.uberent.com/open.php But it's not likely this is possible, garat said it many many times. You still able to use launcher even after you converted key to Steam, but first you need to activate key and then link your UberNet and Steam accounts (this happen on first login though Steam).
I think it should be possible for Steam activated PA's to also be able to run without Steam. It's all the same UberNet account anyway.
Bloat. Bloat everywhere. There some bloat and there some bloat and everywhere is bloat bloat bloat. *sing*
I also feared the non-reversability of the steam conversion, but the launcher is indeed still playable as-is so as far as I see nothing is lost with getting the steam key.
Your accounts are linked automatically (on Windows and Mac OS X) when you run game from Steam first time and login, but you can check linking status or re-link account using this URL: https://uberent.com/user/linksteam