Lol that is so dumb. Alt tab for score is SO COMMON in multiplayer games. This topic was already open though, on another thread.
if you could run around with the menu open, tank clutch passive upgrades would be way to insane, its something in there you should only do it when you can, not in the middle of a battle
It only works on tanks. It's a great "Oh crap!" move. Anyways, I'm find with it. I never had a problem with this on the xbox version. I've always taken these things as what the developer intended and there is probably a good reason to why we can't move why upgrading.
I don't see a problem giving the Tank another tool, after all, he needs all the help he can get. Plus its not like he can do anything for that short time that he is upgrading, what's wrong with attempting a clutch save? He will probably die before he is done with the upgrade if he has such low health.
Actually, while you're at it, can you also make binds holdable instead of toggle? The scoreboard and MANY of the pro skills would benefit from this. Actually you'll probably have to make a preference list or something for each class. Sprinting as an assassin would rather have it be held, but the assault's jetpack would work either way.