Currently only the Support can see how much health is left on a friendly turret (yet everyone can see how much is left on an enemy turret.) It'd be nice if everyone could see the health on friendly turrets.
that was a big problem when i play blitz, i have no idea which turret should i upgrade to save would also work well in crossfire
also i believe you should be able to sell turrets, i hate it when some idiot builds a useless long range turret when we are being attacked hard. money would go back to the people who spent it.
time to troll! but yea, that opens up a lot of room for griefing. needs more thought in preventing that.
I thought the color on the turrets was enough to tell me how much damage they have sustained. It goes from green to yellow to red. The redder it is, the more dead it is. That's an appropriate health bar to me. Plus they start to spark and smoke worse and worse as they take damage.
if you're talking about that color which is the same on bot eyes, thx, i actually never noticed that lol. it'd definitely help a lot but still seeing a health bar would be nice :]
Just let the turret's current owner sell it. Sure, it defeats the purpose of ridding useless turrets, but at least it's more friendly to ask the guy to sell the thing rather than just forcingly dismantling something he had to pay for.
Oooh, let me sell turrets before an upgrade on them is complete, so if someone tries to upgrade a L2 rock-it I've NEARLY got the cash to upgrade, I can sell it right out from under them, and use the money restored to me to gazump them instead!
This is true but it doesn't tell you how ovehealed your turrets are, or if they are just hitting the "red zone" or on the last sliver of health. It'd just be nice to have some consistency ;P
The only person that should be concerned about it being over healed is a support and they can see the health bar by just by taping the heal/hurt gun on it. There are already varrying degrees of colors and smoke. It's quite easy to tell how much health is left exactly just by the way the turret itself looks. It doesn't go from green to yellow to red, there are varying degrees between. Once it's smoking like mad, the paint is pretty much worn off and it's dead red, it's got 1 or 2 hits before it goes down. Next thing you'll be suggesting is health bars for pros you haven't hit. They're class symbol also changes to varying colors, by the way.
You do know the only time the Support can see the turret's health is when he is healing it? So technically the other Pro would have to heal the turret to see it's health. :ugeek:
i say make it simple, if you are looking straight at the damn thing. it shows. not ground breaking science over here, pretty standard fps material.
Agree. Every PRO's should see HP of Turret, smoke effect don't say much. When he aim on turret (friendly of course) the Health bar appears and player know what to do Upgrade it or Heal it Sometimes you are not sure about it.