Try disabling HDR with the 530 and recheck this list: (disable GameFirst, etc)
I've looked throughout the control panel for something even referencing HDR and I cannot find it. Also I don't have any of those programs on that list. What does HDR stand for? (maybe that will give me a better understanding)
oh im dumb, that was ingame settings. anyways, it didn't work. here's my most recent game log with HDR off.
When you are in windowed mode, if you make the window smaller does it fix. This was a fix for 4K monitors with a similar issue to yours.
Just tried that and it worked! Sadly the window was really small so it's hard to play, but I'll try for now. Weird thing is this is just a 1080p monitor.
Unfortunately i dont know of a fix for this, but may help mikeyh assist you. Take a look at this thread, amy be able to help you some.
Just did that (gave it 4 GB [yay for having lots of memory!]) and it works! Thanks mikeyh! you da man
Looks like one or more of the following: some motherboard manufacturers are shipping with VRAM in BIOS set to low numbers and not dynamic and / or dynamic video memory technology (DVMT) is not working