@jables It seems when you link a titans steam account to a forum account you can lose ownership of Titans: https://uberent.com/user/LinkSteam?TitleId=4 PA launches with the Titans splash screen then immediately reverts to classic. Here's what the content APIs return: api.content.ownsTitans() : false api.content.usingTitans() : false api.content.activeContent() : "" api.content.active() : "" api.content.getInfo( 'PAExpansion1' ) : Object {owned: false, description: "Titans"} api.content.unlocked() : [] The unlucky person who just tried linking and lost Titans is: linked uberId: 4355567143050166973 original steam uberId: 6910298851739957392
If the contact support@planetaryannihilation.com they can get it set back for them. I'll show it to the engineers. EDIT: support@planetaryannihilation.com
Thanks.... they sent an email about 90 mins ago with subject: lost PA titans ownership I've seen a few of these. EDIT: support@planetaryannihilation.com
They were linking a steam account to an older pre-Titans forum account so they could use PA Chat via https://palobby.com/chat/
Yeah, I've seen a lot of these as well. At least five that I can remember on this forum alone, but probably quite a few more. I do always tell them to mail support@planetaryannihilation.com of course, which gets it fixed. There is definitely something iffy about the linking process though. EDIT: support@planetaryannihilation.com
Yeah, I guess I'm one of the unlucky ones, my game is now reverted to the original version. Just contacted support to see if they can resolve this issue.
@jables @DeathByDenim Hi, I have the exact same problem so I emailed support but I have heard nothing back, sent yesterday but I understand it can take some time to respond to email. Anyway I also created a support ticket but I got this email in response. "We are currently closed for the holidays and will be back in the office on January 4th, 2016. We will respond to your tickets once we are open again. Follow the link below to check the status of the ticket #688898." Is there anything that I can do? As the date is currently 15/03/2016 so 3 months after they were meant to open https://forums.uberent.com/threads/...out-games-down-earlier-on.71504/#post-1126520 Edit : Tis Fixed
I have the same issue . Still no answer from the support :'( i wantee to play so much any uber support people available not to help ?
@wyao any chance this is caused by them by linking to SMNC due to incorrect TitleId? ie https://uberent.com/user/LinkSteam vs https://uberent.com/user/LinkSteam?TitleId=4
Guys, whatever you do, DO NOT link your Steam account with Uberent! I did it and I lost PA: Titans...my game has been set back to classic for some reason...I hope there will be a fix for this soon
I assume you already did, but you contacted support@planetaryannihilation.com to get Titans back, right? By the way, which link did you use to link Steam and Uber? The one with the titleid=4 in it? EDIT: support@planetaryannihilation.com
this just happened to me I tried launching titans through steam and it reverts to classic I just opened a ticket a while ago as well. I really hope i can get this resolved and for reference, I used the link without the titleid=4 in it
Ok, so support responded to my ticket and they were very quick about it they asked, for either my SteamID or ubernet login name and then replied that they deployed the fix to my account and when i booted up titans it was all good again. It seems to be that contacting support is the only way to fix the problem, but once you do it's a quick process. But I bumped into another problem. using my steam name as my display name became unavailable, so I reopened the ticket and I'm now waiting for a response.
its been 3.5 days since i contacted support, apparently they're contacting an external vendor which is delaying the the fixing of the problem. is there any other possible way? also the account system with uber is very weird I had to make a new account just to post this my support ticket #598498