What happens if you enter the replay ID manually in PA? The replay ID is the large numbers in the startpa:// link. Does it work then?
I also get this with no mods. Someone else in the chat was also getting it so I think it's a bug the in current build.
I open my cmd to type the command directly. C:\Games\Planetary Annihilation\Planetary Annihilation\stable>PA.exe --uioptions "startpa://replay=8600894517432279971" The game runs, try to load the replay and fail. C:\Games\Planetary Annihilation\Planetary Annihilation\stable>PA.exe --uioptions "8600894517432279971" The game runs and stay in main menu, nothing happens later. When using in-game replay system, I can find my replay and watch it without any problem. But I just can't start watching replay from PA Stats. If I try to enter the number of replay in the Replays page in game with the filter setting "All Recent Games", the game can't find such the replay. But if I type the number of replay with the filter setting "My Games Only", the game can find it!
Since @tracert said it was broken, I just test it out as well and it indeed doesn't work for me either. So something for @cola_colin to fix.
So the "info.nanodesu.pastats.proxy" mod that you might be wondering about is simply a mod that's spelled pastats that does nothing other than force people to download pa stats online so that if they leave spaces out of pastats they can still find it.
lol. I always search "stats" Can you update the icon of the proxy mod to http://www.pastats.com/mod/icon.png ? That path probably is gonna survive the coming server move, the other not.
Ah nice news on the server move. Is this to do with the super slow page loading? If I search for a player, the results come up really fast, but when I click on their name in the search result list it can take a lot of time to open up the page. I usually do this when I see who I'm playing so I can check how they played the map we are on the last time they played, but this slowness is a tiny bit annoying.
That's because the player pages are awfully programmed. Come the server move I'll do a few "cuts" that probably will make the player page only show number stats on the last few days. Should be a difference like night and day.
Is the rest api documented somewhere? I'm trying to figure out a way to get all the 1v1 games by a particular player on a particular map.
Not sure if there is API you can use for that. The OP has all info (or links to info) on existing APIs
PA Stats is moving servers and until a problem with the domain transfer is handled there will be the old pa stats on pastats.com and the new pa stats on http://pastats.nanodesu.info/ Hopefully soon pastats.com will be correct again as well. Until then if you're looking for your games they are on http://pastats.nanodesu.info/
Hello @cola_colin, FYI, http://pastats.nanodesu.info/servers reports an empty json and this even if I configure my dedicated server to point to the new ip (pastats.nanodesu.info). So I think dedicated servers for FFA are not reported and can't be seen in the lobby. Maybe this is normal and a transient issue till the migration is finished ?
The DNS has changed now, can you point it at pastats.com directly? It should not happen either way though.
@cola_colin it is the case (pointing to ip 45.x.x.x), but there's probably something else wrong because json is still empty.
No it reports to send the payload as usual. Extract from tcpdump : Code: 20:22:11.408326 IP Maurice.57285 > linode.palobby.com.http: Flags , seq 2970418461, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 2721804115 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0 20:22:11.562450 IP linode.palobby.com.http > Maurice.57285: Flags [S.], seq 496715949, ack 2970418462, win 28960, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 349939686 ecr 2721804115,nop,wscale 7], length 0 20:22:11.562544 IP Maurice.57285 > linode.palobby.com.http: Flags [.], ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2721804153 ecr 349939686], length 0 20:22:11.562683 IP Maurice.57285 > linode.palobby.com.http: Flags [P.], seq 1:902, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 2721804153 ecr 349939686], length 901 ... So to my mind, a connection is established. I guess I'm sending my payload. But for any reason it seems not to "register" it. A request to http://pastats.com/servers is now working but it is still empty. FYI : On my side I did only change the ip in nodePAMaster conf file. It was working before. However I could do something wrong or miss something. Note : if needed, I could join the chat, if it could help fixing the issue.
Hmm maybe for whatever reason posting via the IP directly doesn't work. I can add servers via javascript commands from anywhere I can post, so it works in general. Maybe configure the domain http://pastats.com instead of the direct IP in the config file of the server controller.
So I put the hostname (without http://) pastats.com instead of the ip in the conf file. Note : putting the url http://pastats.com does not work. And now it is working. Strange because before I had the IP. Anyway this is fixed. As usual, @cola_colin thank you really much for your help !
I've been noticing a weird bug with the APM graph where the line right at the beginning of the match gets into the thousands. I started noticing this around the release of titans Some examples: http://pastats.nanodesu.info/chart?gameId=373596 http://pastats.nanodesu.info/chart?gameId=372065 --> 140k apm lol