I have been having issues with placing factories in the last few PTE's. It happens on many maps, but especially on small planets like Forge. It will happen with single factories or with a queue of factories to build. I select the commander and what factory I want.. it will show as white where I want to place it that is allowed.. but many times it will not build it there. It will skip it if in a queue or will just do nothing. I have removed the PA-FX mod and the issue goes away. It's like it has separate code for if it thinks a factory can be built in a certain place that is different than the code when it actually goes to build it. I hope it can be fixed, it's one of my favorite mods. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/problem-placing-factories.69250/#post-1095079
I've made a pull request to update this mod to the latest build. I used some of my automation tools to do it, so I need the following assumption verified; all units that have effects added are through the fx_offsets key in each unit. It also includes a script that will produce an updated mod based on the current PA files. In this way we won't have to worry about what changes with each build, you just need to run the update script . (Oh and if it doesn't work at somepoint in the future, just pm me) Anyways, I guess this is for you @Alpha2546
I'm getting the same error with building certain structures that devoh had, but it's with the orbital radar structure, I can place down the preview, but the fabbers won't build it.
Good stuff dom! Thanks merged and pushed it to pamm. I thought I made you admin of that stuff too btw.
p.s. while you are busy there is a request: Can you make an effect so that you can see how "full" an orbital cannon is?
Getting a bug in Titans. It is putting the orbital radar build icon in the build menu even though it isn't in the game.
Should be fixed now. Thanks for letting me know hmm I dunno I'll look into it. I don't think its an easy way to do.
i already feared for it yes... Nonetheless i really like your artwork and it's good for gameplay the orbital radar is gone but really a shame cuzz you made that one really really nice!
Updated for Titans so that energy plant values are correct. If you're using PA Classic, there's a PA Classic version on PAMM as well.