Yes. The only major difference between a GW mod and a MP mod is whether the mod is designated client-side or server-side, as far as I know.
If you do manage to somehow get easy modding of Galactic war going through your tool, you'll be a hero to the modding community I myself would love to see some mods working in GW, but at this point in time it is apparently too time consuming/annoying to port over.
Yep I desesperately tried to get complete unit rooster working for GW but my gpd that was a waste of time. I just spent lots pf time to get the actual units inside the game to make my game crash whenever they fired in GW. I really don't know what they did with the code but is a ******* mess.
The only way you have a chance of getting that to work is if an uberent helps us figure out WTF it's crashing.
Well...Probably not, but there's a good chance that those problems will be slightly resolved by the time it reaches a public release.