Could you post on the new PAMM? The one that works with Chromium? if you don't have it Also, it would be very good if you could add your dox4lyfe mod on the new PAMM. Thanks!
Click the server mod text when you're in the available mods. There should be a "context" thing under the search bar.
I know this should be under support but I forgot PA was still open when i pulled up PAMM so now it just white screens. Have you run into this or should I start a thread in support? It's just painful when you have to re-install PA and PAMM cause that's what I had to do before.
THERE SHALL NOT BE DOX IN AN ANT4LYF GAME!!!! aka The Nuclear Ant Launcher is missing... might want to fix that...
KillerKiwiJuice has put together a rather nice article about this mod, and Dox4Lyf, over on eXodus eSports.
Update: Balance changes: Vangaurd flamethrower removed. Light tank damage increased slightly Experimental tank build cost decreased slightly
Updated: Added the Hammer Head tank destroyer New tank model new textures deals 700 1000 damage new particle effect Have fun!
Update: Added a gun to the skitter New effects for a few things: Buffed the Hammer Head tank destroyer Range increased to 200 from 160 Damage increased to 1000 from 700 ROF increased to 0.3 from 0.2 Tweaked some minor things Orbital and walls will be coming SoonTM
Giant leveler buff update: main cannon yaw speed increase side mounted guns range increase build cost slightly decreased uber cannon yaw speed increase coaxial machine gun yaw speed increase (same speed as the main cannons)
Error that crashes the game and everyone on the server but you can still get back on the server... I think it is related to booms somehow the entity of booms not completely being removed from existance Right before the crashes I once clicked in a spot where there was nothing after I had a boom ant selected. Crash. I also had my factory on repeat with boom ants, and there was an enemy tank nearby and the boom ants kept attacking it. Every time a little after a boom does something that effects it's placement or existence. D:
@KillerKiwiJuice The game isn't fixed and I think I know what the bug is, and it doesn't have to do with nukes being the problem or the UI. Whenever the skitter unit tries to attack it crashes the game if the skitter is visible to the player while attacking (if it is set to patrol or manually attacking another unit by the player when firing its cannon)