Problemes with Launcher

Discussion in 'Support!' started by cedcraft, December 29, 2014.

  1. cedcraft

    cedcraft New Member

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    Hello everyone.

    I have activated my key for PA, I have installed it and launch update with the launcher.
    The update works and it shows me <Play> and <Verify>.
    When I click on <Play> launcher is "checking manifest", but after, the game doesn't launch and shows me again <Play> and <Verify>.

    What can I do ?

    Thank you !
    Bonjour à tous.

    J'ai activé ma clé pour PA, je l'ai installé, et lancé la mise à jour via le launcher.
    La mise à jour a fonctionné puis le launcher m'a affiché <Play> and <Verify>.
    Quand je clique sur <Play>, il me fait "checking manifest", mais ensuite, le jeu ne se lance pas et m'affiche de nouveau <Play> and <Verify>.

    Que puis-je faire ?

    Merci !
  2. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    Hi there,

    Can you please proceed with your scenario then upload the log file located under C:\Users\"yourUser"\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\UberLauncher\UberLauncherLog.txt ?

    It would help diagnosing the issue ;)


    Refais les actions dans l'ordre que tu décris, puis upload le fichier qui se trouve au chemin mentionné plus haut.
  3. cedcraft

    cedcraft New Member

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    J'ai refait les manips, toujours pareil...
    Voici le fichier :

    Merci de m'aider :)

    Attached Files:

  4. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    Hum, I can't see anything strange in this log (there are some fonts/ TTF files checksum / deletion words but I doubt it's related)
    As a workaround, you may launch the game executable PA.exe directly from the game folder (something like C:/games/Uber Entertainment/planetary annihilation/stable)

    Paging @SXX : What do you think about this one ?
  5. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    The UberLauncher is temperamental at times and doesn't always download all of the files. Could you try pressing "Verify" a couple of times and the try to launch the game?

    Le UberLauncher est occasionnellement un peu énervant. Il ne télécharge pas toujours toutes les données. Pourriez vous cliquer <Verify> deux ou trois fois et puis lancer le jeu?

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