Someone else having my same problem? I thought I was alone. I use chrome as well, never use IE. I'm still stuck, my IE is updated and everything....
It's still not working for me and the problem persists, is there still anything I could try to make it work?
Actually, I have an idea on what it might be - Uber updated their launcher the other day or something, right? Well I have both the Steam version and...
I'll look into that, thank you.
Well as of right now I have a virus on my computer - mouse movements. Anyways, old version does not work, running norton virus scans now, wish me...
Sadly, that still didn't work. Is there anything else to try, and could it be something wrong with IE or MSHTA on my computer? As I said, before the...
Just tried norton, did nothing. When I try to unblock the file, it never gives me the option to do it, it just opens PAMM. I never use IE, chrome's...
Didn't even think of that, it's /6Sh3xLB I can click on the log button, but nothing shows up... Thanks in advance.
That's what I figured. I don't know what's wrong, then.
I'll take a screenshot, and sorry I was under the full impression that it used .net. This happens as soon as I launch it: Edit - I can't post links...
I get .net script errors for nearly every function. Stuff like "OpenModsLocation" And "LoadOptions" are the errors I get upon launching, I can't even...
An ideal clan would be slightly competitive, uses skype, has nice members, and yeah. I have skype and steam, sometimes I play other games than PA....
Separate names with a comma.