I play support and it's not often that im not top of the scoreboard (along with having the most pro kills), and before any qq's at me about not baby...
Would it be possible to add the server browser to the in game 'esc' menu rather that having to exit the game you are currently playing? Can be...
I play a very aggressive support, ill turtle if we need to be most of the time I am trying to get my fire base as close to their bot spawn as...
one that happened in the game I was just in was pretty cool, tagged both the support and the gunner he was healing with air strikes ... they both ran...
I noticed this to a few times yesterday, my airstrike would take ages to actually happen. Somtimes up to 10 seconds before the animation would play,...
hope I run into you on a server at some stage :D. I think im reasonable at support and I have a near 3 Career KDR with a majority of those kills...
the only sin thing I hate is that dash they do when they press 'R' really not required. also tanks are worse, charge and spin and spin and spin ......
thanks guys great skin idea, just please dont ever bring in item trading :)
For people new to the game Assassin is the class they struggle with the most (lord knows I did!) however once you know what to listen/look out for...
re: firebases ... Unless I am around to heal it, Even a L3 gets taken down pretty easily by most classes with a clue.
yeha id be happy just having some consistancy around the assit credit, overall though it's much more fun to be dropping airstrikes and getting up...
is it? I never even notice it moving when im healing anything bar a jackbot .. so I usually dont bother unless there is nothing better to do or they...
I don't have a problem with the distance on a sniper bullet, bouncing assault grenades spammed from his own base and bouncing ninja stars on the...
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