But isn`t the username just for logging in? Isn`t the game using the Steam nickname? At least it did in SMNC, I don`t know about PA, never played it.
So MNC2 might happen? Yes! I just hope that it will be as fun or even more as SMNC was. Loved that game, still do. Just do it right Uber. I have an...
We must first get the game and only then think about adding delicious sweets to it :D
Oh wow, that one is nice. Last time I was still here it was still a WIP and wasn`t even textured :D But yeah, UCC is a must for the next game. It...
Hoping for MNC2?
I have a somewhat decent idea for the next MNC title, but I won`t bother posting it as it will be bashed, kicked and left in the dirt and at the end...
Pineapples were genetically modified to grow on trees to produce more pineapples per plant. Instead of 1 per plant new modified ones grow 6-8 per...
Separate names with a comma.