No. VAC bans apply to all games protected by VAC. It's just that during the beta, none of the servers listed are VAC Secured. This will change when...
Well he/she/it is VAC banned, so servers with VAC on won't let them connect... That said, they are definitely cheating.
The chat module is plagued with user accessibility issues. I don't know how much you can manipulate the default Unreal chat console but something has...
I have the Xbox version as well, but on Steam I'm RogueDarkJedi (same tag as my GT). Do want to note that it might be better if you guys include...
Oh man, this is so true. Very rarely do people even bother buying turrets. They rather spend it on themselves. And then Jackbots just take down the...
I have a couple. I really only think that after the third class, it's kinda useless. I have an Assassin (for mostly Blitz), a Gunner and an Assault...
The announcer. Enough said.
As a joke, I tried playing on level 10 look sensitivity. Man, it's so slow. In fact, it's about the speed of level 2 look sensitivity. Then I tried...
Re: MNC Tournament August 16th Well that was a quick game. Team 3 lost :( Even so, it was still fun to play. Good job Team 4.
Re: MNC Tournament August 16th I'll give it a shot. GT: RogueDarkJedi
Separate names with a comma.