Space does need to look more like space, also I noticed the background does not move even though the camera is rotating with the planet. Which gives...
Tbh navy should only be an option on planets which are mostly, or all water. Normal planets just don't have the room for it really.
We will get asteroid belts eventually right? Once that happens you could fling asteroids at it and since it's so small it wouldn' take many to...
I get it to. It only started happening with recently patches :/
Same for me. I just get a black screen with the UI 99% of the time when I get in to a game now :/ If I do manage to get it to work, the frame rate...
I think there should be an option for a planet's spin speed (or slow them all down in general). I think they spin WAY to quickly which gives odd...
My graphics are screwed up as well (using a 670gtx). It looks like all the terrain is split up into small squares, with gaps in between them, I don't...
I think it should only be allowed if the number of extractors you can build on it is limited, otherwise it would be silly :P
It's not a unit thing..But I've love a slider to turn the orbit speed of planets down (as a whole, not individually). OR even have them stationary :)...
Does the AI randomly build structures or does it work towards some kind of goal? Like building nukes or reaching other planets etc?
That seems to be what it is. Also the concepts have depth of field effects while the actual game doesn't (which makes screenshots look good, but not...
Or a water map where it builds a land factory on a tiny island :D
In a real solar system objects orbit along the equator of the star with only small deviations. Because the star spins and drags objects in to this...
Hmm snow capped mountains on a planet with 100 heat and 0 water :D
I think they will be fine once we get more units and orbital stuff etc. Also, why didn't you just go around them? O_o
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