Anyone who thinks that what is promised at the beginning of software projects always makes it in the final product doesn't understand software...
People don't lock files in modern software development projects unless they want to piss everyone off. Multiple people can work on the same files at...
just ninja build a teleporter near your opponents base with t1 air fabricators. More reliable and less chance of having a huge loss if all the...
Please make it so that your teammates can only self destruct their own commander. I have had one too many troll games, or games where a teammate is...
1) When you fail to join a game, you are popped back to the main menu. This has been a problem for a long time. 2) When your commander is under...
Also in the current PTE: Fabrication Combat Bots can no longer assist factories or fabbers. They can repair, not sure if they can reclaim yet.
Trying to open and close the social controls on the bottom right of the UI comes with huge delays.
I tried SupComm and it was not a natural sequel in my opinion and I did not play it for long. I don't need SuppComm features and I don't want them....
I feel like shield are being asked for with reference to SupComm, but this game is a Total Annihilation (TA) successor. I played TA back in the day...
Separate names with a comma.