Thanks. I try. Just got a short story featured on an NBC baseball site: ... s-magical/ Is Monday Night...
where Monday Night Combat makes more than a one sentence appearance.
I think this team would win a game or two against Head and Shoulders: Gunner - Chaos Assault - Gunked Tank - Hawkshade Sniper - Zatchmo Support -...
Xeno, that was disgustingly hypothetical. I never once got close to headcrabbing you. Though, I did tank-charge you into oblivion that one time....
Jon, I love you the most!!!!! I really do. Did you ever get your All Time Great?
No, Xeno! Who's gonna teach me how to wallbounce?!
I can neither confirm nor deny the rumor that I will be attempting a second even more ambitious draft tourney in the near future.
A few things. -The assault is really bad on Xbox. You're right to leave him off the team. He's almost as bad at slaying as the assassin is at...
Hell yeah, grenade launcher?
Willy's amazing.
Uber has made many brilliant decisions and a few mind boggling ones. Perma-banning belongs on the mind boggling side. I will never understand...
Drizy, Xeno and I have something to tell you. Not here though. At LazerRazer. If I were you, I'd bring your friends.
Separate names with a comma.