I heard the game has a designated 'awesome button' that makes everything you do cooler. I'm taping that down when I play.
Peachy's troll dial is already at 11, isn't it?
Doesn't hurt that you can lob them at bots you can't even see, or hit them from across the map. Let's see an Assassin do that.
I wrote a guide on how to fix the rage quitting error.
One of the devs said they wouldn't introduce a game mode without bots or turrets because it is what defines the game. Or something.
Games with lots of comebacks are the best games. I wish they were easier.
Rosewill is Newegg's in-house brand, isn't it?
When I play against my friends or people in my party I spawncamp them to raise their blood pressure. Assuming I can reach it of course.
You must play against people with Downs syndrome.
They have very limited uses in both Blitz and Crossfire. If no other turret could go there and not be a waste, I build a longshot.
Same here. As I got better the firebase became less of an issue, I imagine the same thing happened to you.
I don't think encouraging teammates to defend supports that heal them through protag rewards and visual indicators of where that support is as he...
Forumgoers just call me Cardboard, but my IRL friends call me Ritz.
If I have issues with Listerine abuse can I still join?
Separate names with a comma.