LOL! SORRY Neutrino, and Polynomial! I can't even get people's names right {hangs head in shame} Thanks for the response though. It sounds like one...
I think it's a great idea. They could use the SupCom ferry system which worked very well for air transports. For the benefit of those who only played...
Just interested and wondered if Polynomial might give us a very rough estimate on how many hours went in to the current video as it is a bit of a...
I love the Peewee! -it's why I have such a soft spot for SC's Marines (especially when they're being air dropped!). My fave TA units though were...
I've seen this mentioned a few times with respect to 'how SC2 was good'. I'm really not sure I agree. Imho there wasn't a whole lot which was good...
Oh please include naval (i'm worried this is an optional - please say it's stretch goal #1)! I'm with the others on the whole campaign vs good...
Separate names with a comma.