I like the ON/off button idea. I think it should have some relevance to religion. Maybe a cross with an ON/OFF button in the middle?
Each one but "The Enlightened" sounds cheesy imo. And I think sticking to the theme of latin would be nice. My latin isn't that good but something...
We got PA when it comes to awesome galaxy wide conflict rts. Well I would like you to check Scrumbleship. You build your spaceship block by block....
I'm curious so I want to know. But when I know I will just be sad that we wont get it
I actually approve of this. This makes the layer not be a 90% copy of air but with structures.
Love the improvement of orbital units. Gas giants are a plus ^^
Re: Project Update #8: Galactic War (New Stretch Goal)Disccu Hope they include the paypal donations when taking into account for reaching...
Lore wise : Arm But Core was a favorite ingame.
One of my suggestion that got some nice feedback from Neutrino. viewtopic.php?f=61&t=35687
This would be awsome. As everyone plays the same faction this would be a cool way to make different players things more unique and easier to identify
Yes, that would be very nice.
Giving control points some identity would be very cool. It makes it different from all other games where each point is just a flag that means nothing...
No thoughts?
Arnold Schwarzenegger? hahaha. As long as the sound isn't annoying I'm fine with it.
Separate names with a comma.