I could also see the documentary being difficult for them to release. Uber has always been a company without the extra separation of the...
Acrobat Reader is freeware with limited features. Adobe Acrobat is the one you have to pay for.
Pretty sure most computers are good at sudoku. Even the hard ones are pretty easy to brute force. I think you meant seppuku which is very very...
Well I had started by flipping through your blog you posted a link to and was looking at the MK2016 keyboard's website and a couple of other places....
Since you both seem to know your keyboards, and I very much do not: do you have any suggestions for someone who has been thinking about getting a...
Sorian was "let go" in the sense he was transferred from Uber over to the VR group "Envelop VR" co-founded by Bob Berry and Jon Mavor. Looks like...
Though on the other hand, I might disagree that kickstarter projects lock in the final version of the game more than other platforms. I think its...
My two cents on kickstarter is that one of the biggest problems (with games in particular) is that there's no way to give every detail about what you...
Does look like it is up, but might be intentional due to how the new Titans price fix works. Looks like its just "anyone with PA on steam" gets the...
How many people would you expect to play RTS's, who don't own a computer sufficient to run PA who also happen to own an Xbox one? My bets would be...
And yet it suffers from the problem of not having a kickstarter, therefore not having a community really at launch. Looks to have so far peaked at...
Though commanders can certainly lose them (which I assume was their point...)
He's trying to encourage people to sign a change.org petition. That's the petition equivalent of "liking" pictures on Facebook to stop the war in...
Yeah, but the problem is when I ask people who think this way "what were the core elements 'ripped from core PA' to make Titans" they can't really...
Hmm hard to say. Jables was online yesterday but hasn't actually posted on the forums in around 3 weeks from what I can tell. Since he hasn't been...
Separate names with a comma.