Enable the unit creation toolbox when the sandbox mode is enabled. Clicking a unit puts it in the copy-paste buffer, use ctrl-v (by default) to place the unit. Adds scroll bar and max height for small screens or long lists. - https://github.com/JustinLove/sandbox_unit_toolbox - http://wondible.com/pa/sandbox_unit_toolbox_v1.1.0.zip - PAMM Changes ## 1.1.0 - Add scroll bar and max height for small screens or long lists ## 1.0.2 - Bump compatible build version for 86422 (titans)
Last I tried I wasn't seeing it even with --devmode; I was in the middle of other stuff and haven't properly investigated. model.sandbox(true) still works in the debugger... assuming you could figure out the debugger ;^) Yah, more broken mods :-(
EDIT: never mind the mod still works with the latest build, it just wasn't working for me earlier for some reason. Anyway great mod for screwing around in the game!
Hey Guys, Im not too sure if 1.0 has broken this mod? I've got PAMM installed, set to run as admin (in case of any read/write issues), i've got the "SERVER MOD" "Cheat - Allow Create Unit" mod enabled, I've found an installed this "Sandbox Unit Toolbox" mod as well. But i cant seem to copy / paste units. I am trying this in Galactic War so no idea if these work in GW any way. Ive looked at where the Server mods are supposed to be installed to (C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\server_mods) but all i can see in there is "mods.json" - However in the \Planetary Annihilation\mods directory, i can see the other mods i have installed, "com.wondible.pa.sandbox_unit_toolbox" for example as well as another "mods.json" file. So i dont know if the server mods are installed at all either to enable this mod :| Any advise would be appreciated! Thanks,
I figured that might be the case! Dont be sorry, its not like its your fault! lol. Thanks for the reply!
Its been a bit since I played last and now I fired up the game again updated the game on steam and the PAMM but now the copy paste (Ctrl+v) no longer works... I have the unit Crate cheat active, is there any to fix this, am I missing something?
There is a way to bypass this. You need to find the server.exe excutable in the pa files. It is located if you use steam under Programfiles(x86)->Steam->SteamApps->common->Planetary Annihilation-> somewhere in bin 32 or 64. You select to put a direct acess under wherever you want and you have solved the problem. I hope you get it working). Remember to put local server on and always enter a lobby you want to test with the server.exe iniciated.