PA opens and operates fine. But trying to login into uberent and I instantaneously get the error "cannot resolve host error" I have tried disabling the firewall as well as adding to the norton exceptions manually and even manually opening the port. Pinged uberent and lost 4 packets. 100% loss. Help! Really would like to get into the game. Secondary issue. After leaving the game open for 5-10 minutes I also receive the PA.exe has stopped working notification.
I will try that next. Should that fail to resolve the issue what would the next step be? I understand this is a rare problem.
Broken DNS mean game not able to get IP address for "". Try to open this page: If it's opening and redirect you to login forum then it's not issue.
I guess this is kind of issue when you need to contact Uber support:
I corrected the issue but not the pa.exe has stopped working notification pops up everytime I get into a game
Yeah, picture under my message. Proper how-to is here:
It's looks like you have two graphics cards, is it correct? If yes try to run PA with SLI disabled because it's not supported. If game crash even without SLI please check this how-to and upload log and crash dump on forum:
It's can't cause crash. May I ask you do you have any idea why you running 32-bit version of game? E.g one from "bin_x86" directory? Code: C:\Program Files (x86)\Planetary Annihilation\PA\bin_x86\ Are you running game though Uber launcher or directly from file manager? Why?
It's not fix for your problem with connection. 32-bit build have memory limitation of 2GB by default and it's will crash after it's met limit. Here is more details on that: Obviously you can patch "bin_x86/PA.exe" with 4GB patch, but then it's will be limited to use ~4GB RAM.
Ok so I reinstalled the steam version of PA from scratch. Gave every executable file full firewall permissions, even the coherentUI exe for all locations. Set every exe to run as administrator, and still get the cannot resolve host error. I ran steam in offline mode and it showed te connecting screen indefinitely till the game crashed. I'm running out of ideas on my end. I uninstalled all antivirus software and disabled all windows firewalls and possible user controlled interventions with its connections and didn't get anywhere with that either. Ugh. I just want to play the game.