In other new... harrassing users with unremovable adds for a free windows 10 has become.... FUCKIN EAT IT !!! twin tornados near ... Schleswig. That's basically my home town. wtf. And here I was thinking tornadoes happen in far away countries. And another one just hit Hamburg, also not very far from here. It's mysterious. There is so much news about really bad weather that causes lots of damages, but where I am right now still is a nice, warm and near constant sunny place. If not for the news I'd say this is a most wonderful summer.
propaganda spiking up again... I'm telling you peeps either we take the rising tensions in the world seriously and try to tame the fire quick and calm everyone down or we'll have another world war on our hands and we all know it'll be the last.
Interesting thing to theory craft about. Imagine a war between very connected countries- Wouldn't this feel so odd? There could be a war beginning to unfold in Europe for example between x and y country yet people of those countries could very easily still be talking to one another on a forum like this, or in a game or something. One of the big reasons a full scale world war today seems mind boggling!
@squishypon3 who said even without the aid of internet this very scenario didn't occur in WW2 in thousands upon thousands of instances. I'm not going to downplay it : I also believe internet is our best weapon (oh the irony) against war (and ignorance, ...oh who am I kidding.. two sides of the same coin) today but it's starting to look as if it isn't that much of a deterrent to certain people.
I don't think the internet has unlimited power about that. I do remember that a colleague of mine who was very much into eve online explained to me how an alliance of Ukrainian and Russian players who had worked together for quite some time quickly broke apart pretty hard when the whole drama in the real world between their countries started. So the internet was a mere reflection of the real world and neither side felt that the "okay" work together ingame had any meaning over anger at each other for whatever stupid things reality had to offer. It's probably more a question of how people view the world. If you're right wing nationalistic then the internet will only make it worse, as you can trap yourself with like-minded people in a gigantic echo chamber. On the other hand if you don't bother as much with the concept of "nations" and just see yourself as a citizen of the world you'll just be completely weirded out by people who go into aggressive patriot mode. So the conclusion is simple: The internet isn't a cure for the stupid. It's a catalyst for sure, but into both directions, making the peaceful more peaceful and the hateful more hateful. Sadly the past years, and especially the whole refugee crisis in europe, has brought out the most ugly minded people into the broad daylight of the internet.
OMG this fuckin clip xD So good. if you understand the commentary it's even more hilarious. the commentator's trying to give the mood of the clip a serious tone and failing miserably. French gov has banned LePetitJournal from re-playing this clip on TV. interesting right? #mycountryhasbecomeadictature First the Zika virus, then Brazil basically runs out of money, now this. This is worse than when we let Nazis host the Olympics.
Murderer / terrorist / however you want to slice it apparently not linked with ISIS and has no religious associations. Has been a known criminal for years.