I am just learning how to mod planetary annihilation, and have encountered a problem I don't know how to fix. So I have added the avatar factory into the game, which can produce any unit from the ground, even orbital units and naval units. Up until now (The submarines patch), the avatar factory, when building orbital units, sent them up to the orbital layer when complete. Now, instead of sending them up to the orbital layer upon completion, the orbital unit will just sit on the Air layer with planes. This makes it so a laser platform produced by a avatar factory can be attacked by hummingbirds. Why does this happen, and what flag was added or changed so this bug happens? How can I fix this? I also tried comparing the newly updated version of the orbital launcher to my avatar factory, but couldn't find anything that I knew might change something.
I doubt there's anything we can do about this, Uber will have to fix it. In the mean time, just use the avatar fabber to build orbital factories.
I found that also the CommYard mod (https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-server-mod-comm-yard.60657/) has the same problem with the orbital units! It isn't just me then....