Anchor wins every time. No way to counter anchors other than massive swarms of avengers. Pls increase umbrella range, it's such a simple fix that can make orbital 10x better.
If you buff the umbrella too much then it becomes near impossible to invade a planet. Balance is a fickle business.
anchor if you're both on the planet. umbrella planetwide if you control it. both if you really want to stalemate. anchors are a pain to take out, avengers are like the dox vs the T2 laser of anchor, except worse.
Umbrellas already outrange anchors and are much cheaper to build than anchors. Why are you concerned? It isn't cost effective to anchor crèep with all this t1 spam.
Check the numbers, Kiwi. They do. By 10 range, if I remember correctly. I adjusted the numbers in the Community Uberbalance, then replaced them back to Vanilla when I realized how big of an advantage Umbrellas hold.
The game tells a different story than the numbers I place the umbrellas so close that the very edge of the range line is touching and the anchors can still shoot them. Sometimes even the fabbers.
On tiny moons less than 300 in size, the umbrella has a tiny range due to orbital scaling. Other than that, you should be fine.
pff, give me a handful of fabbers and I'll show you exactly what I think of your pishy anchors; they're a nuisance at best, lack any real balls in defence and lack offensive capability Come t2, they're safe to ignore
Actually no. It might have been fixed recently but I've had this happen on radius ~700. There is a problem with the actual ingame range, so don't just make statements based solely on you theorycrafting over the numbers.
I have noticed it Zaphod, in game. I just have only had gameplay issues with it on 300r or smaller moons. That doesn't mean someone else hasn't had a different experience - that's just what I've witnessed and played with. I'd also like to reiterate that anchor rushing is not cost effective and trying to anchor creep is probably in my top 10 Best Ways to Lose a Lot of Metal Really Fast.