Your worst arena

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Nekoh, April 4, 2011.


Worst Arena?

  1. AmmoMule

    4 vote(s)
  2. GrenADE III

    19 vote(s)
  3. LaseRazor

    2 vote(s)
  4. Steel Peel

    18 vote(s)
  5. Spunky Cola

    2 vote(s)
  1. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    Mine would have to be spunky due to the retarded bouncers and there invisible lunge hit and seeing through cloak.
  2. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    Grenade III is the worst map in the game and needs a complete overhaul closely followed by Steel Peel. Goes without saying that snipers are an issue on both maps. But they are also ugly and one dimensional. Ammo mule is a "circle" map done right because there's a lot of paths and is a good template on how to fix Grenade.
  3. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Voted Grenade III

    While I originally liked the map, I've grown to have a number of issues with it...

    1. Ejectors everywhere. F$#K THOSE THINGS.

    2. Snipers. They get highly defensible nests where they can ice trap the landing spots for several jump pads and hide behind glass on high ground. From there they have access to 2 ejectors and can snipe bots and players on BOTH sides of the map. Snipers get almost every possible map benefit all at once.

    3. Too many dumb games where the teams just go around each other and someone wins without there ever really being any fighting.
  4. Fangeye

    Fangeye New Member

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    I have to say GrenADE III but only because I main assassin and I find this to be the hardest map to bounce from lane to lane without being detected simply because of the distance between them even when using the jump pads on the center platform. That being said it is an interresting map as it is the only one without a central point of conflict.

    I just think that Assassin can't quite use their mobility on this map like on others and the only real map specific strategy I have for it at the moment is smoke bombing from the center platform into the enemy base which is easy to deal with if you know to look out for it, especially as a Sniper.
  5. azure

    azure Member

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    I voted G3. It's honestly just the hardest map to get consistent streaks, etc. because nowhere is really "safe". I main Assault, so staying alive to build streaks becomes rather difficult when I can be picked off at range. That said, it is not my least favourite map, and all in all I actually enjoy playing on it.
  6. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    I second this. My "worst" arena is G3. But it's also my favorite.
  7. Llama

    Llama New Member

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    Personally, I find steel peel to be the worst, if only because I find I'm often stuck on a team that refuses to leave the base. They won't push out with me to break a box-in, and the only alternative (the path to the left) leaves one out in the open, too far away to do considerable damage with most weapons or any skills, yet easily seen so as not to be able to sneak in close and take any of the dug in enemies on the upper walkways out.

    I don't get why people don't like grenade 3 so much, especially those who play assault or assassin more. I suppose I didn't like it originally either, until I realized what incredible mobility it allowed for. From the upper walkways on the sides an assault can easily dash/hover to the middle, then use a pad to get any area on the other side. The two pads that would normally send a person on the ground level next to a base are even more useful for an assault because he can use his hovering ability to lose momentum and drop down on the walkway. This means he won't get pummeled by bots or turrets if he is using the pad that sends him towards the enemy base, and can be used to easily get behind unsuspecting enemies and take one out with a headcrab or some close range rifle fire.

    The assassin has pretty good mobility on that map, too, being able to lunge from the upper walkways to the middle and smoke jump from the lower lane to the walkways, or from the mid to the base ring. The only thing she can't really do that the assassin can is recover from an ejector blast or stop midair over the paths with those pads that send you close to one of the bases. This is probably made up for by the fact that she is a much harder target for snipers.... well... at least before this last update that made the lighting uglier and accidentally made her more visible.

    In any case, its simple not to get rolled by everyone going one side or the other... just look at where your teammates are going and go the other way, or if you're not in battle on one side, look across the center to the other side and see if they need help, then boing... boing... two pad jumps later you're on the other side, no matter what class you are, and (if the enemy has pushed beyond the midpoint) you're also right behind and/or above them.
  8. Rogueblades

    Rogueblades Active Member

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    Steel Peel is the worst map ever. Period. Early and nearly unbreakable contains are stupidly easy to set up. Good snipers sit under the battlements and get free reign to roll faces. Oh the humanity!
  9. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    I actually like Grenade III and Steel Peel.

    Grenade 3 I think is actually one of the better maps, forcing you to always be aware of your surroundings. All the classes are usable, and the annihilator platform is horribly exposed. For something that powerful you need it to be in a weak position. Unlike Steel Peel.

    Now Spunky Cola... That one is just bad.
  10. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    I voted steel peel. It isn't my worst arena, it is simply a terrible map. Once a team is winning, they have a ridiculous height advantage, massive map control (though ejectors on this map aren't as good as the other maps). Also, that one stupid firebase spot covers the entire enemy base and stops the other team from leaving.

    Grenade 3 is at least fun, but not if there is a competent sniper on the other team. Fortunately there aren't many players capable of point and click, so it usually isn't a big problem.
  11. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I agree about the annihilator in the middle but G3 doesn't force you to be aware of your surroundings, it punishes you for not noticing that there is a sniper on the opposite side of the map who decided to stop fighting pros on that side and to start shooting you. And the ejectors overlap so if you ARE trying to avoid a sniper then an assassin can be cloaked and use both ejectors back to back killing you.
  12. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I'd have to say grenade III as well. It's next to impossible to control mid. It's the only map where pretty much everywhere is covered in ejectors, even the annihilator. It's incredibly difficult to drop an air strike below that one sniper spot that juts out from spawn, now that they've changed how air strikes behave once they go out of bounds. Very little use for turrets, not enough high banisters to jump on as gunner to play him properly. Jump pads make escapes patently predictable, and the ejectors make it quite tough to fight a more mobile class even if you were winning. No back pathways. I have had some good fun on this map with every class, but can't say I haven't had consistent frustration with its design.

    Steel peel brings up a close second for the reasons mentioned by rogueblades.
  13. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    I going to have to change my vote to Ammo Mule and Steel Peel.
  14. Esham

    Esham New Member

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    Grenade 3 all the way. Way to open and prone to snipers running the show.

    Plus too many ejectors. I can get a lot of kills with just ejectors as assassin. No need to even get in harms way when there are 5 on each side (i am not sure on the exact number but there are a lot).

    As for steel peel, yes it can suck when the team takes the upper rim and rains hell down on your team but that is the sign of a good team. If your team is smart enough they will stop taking the first ejector into death and actually flank the camp spot. I have done it on my own as tank taking the right exit and going around. It can be done. But a good team will lock you down. Imo that is not the maps fault since if teams are equal a good battle can erupt in the middle.
  15. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    I understand why people don't like Grenade III. It is a bit more open and big for the size of the game. I don't mind it so much ever I figured out how to use the center jump pads to help my mobility. But still, so little cover out there...

    However, my vote has to go to the absolute travesty of a map that is known as Steel Peel. The overall design of the map pretty much rendors Long Shots and Gapshots pointless for one. And the game pretty much devolves into the single strategy of controlling the upper deck. Once a team loses that upper deck, it becomes a very painful siege that is very hard to break. What I wouldn't give to have more ways to access that upper deck easily from spawn ><
  16. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Technically there are 2 on each side and one in the middle, but if you count every spot where you can use one it's 6 per side.

    Personally I don't hate Grenade III. It's very easy to travel on as a sin and you can really **** people over on that map.

    Steel Peel on the other side is a bad map because it's almost impossible to break out if you got pushed back into your base and because of that dickish spot on the glass from where you can hit the money ball
  17. Nekoh

    Nekoh New Member

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    Where abouts is that spot if you don't mind revealing it?
  18. duckling

    duckling New Member

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    As someone who mains assassin I love G3. You can easily lunge + jumpad halfway across the arena and you can deal with unaware pros by ejecting them, making tanks and gunners far less frightening.

    I can see how a very good sniper would be incredibly annoying on this map; luckily so few of them seem to exist.
  19. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    The long line of sights and ejectors everywhere make it a pain for a slow moving Support with his close range weapons.
  20. Fangeye

    Fangeye New Member

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    I think GrenADE III is a fun map and I like that it has a very different meta-game. Compared to other maps because it's bot lanes are so seperated and there is no real point to controlling the mid. It is just my worst map as Assassin and that is why I voted for it. Sure you can lunge to mid and use that to bounce between lanes. The problem is that any class can do this by using the jump pads and I feel this lessens the mobility advantage that the Assassin has over the other classes.

    As for what map I think actually needs changes to it I would say Steel Peel. Contains on this map are a problem but I feel this is something that can be dealt with by sending a group of players to flank them. Alternatively if you turtle and prevent them from pushing in your team actually won't be that far behind money wise. Then it boils down to holding out for OT and coordinating a juice rush right when the money ball drops. The ceiling blacking long shots and gap shots I can't see being an accident but I personally don't like it.

    The thing I think needs to be changed about Steel Peel is the glass wall protecting the left most exit from base. It is possible for any class to get on top of the glass wall and it has sight to the money ball. I use it every time just because it is so effective and haven't seen it countered effectively. It would pretty much take a player dedicating themself to blocking that spot which seems extreme for just one attack angle.

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