Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by acanadianguy, February 12, 2011.

  1. acanadianguy

    acanadianguy New Member

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    (or at least, that's what I call it!)

    We've all had it happen before.

    Overtime, shields down, your juice meter is ready to be filled.
    Before you even get a chance to buy some juice or attack some Jackbots to fill it up,
    that sneaky class gets by and starts spamming the moneyball.

    It's discouraging to see your team to defend well and have both teams with even amounts of health, but it really only takes a couple of hits to throw off that balance, ending in a loss. As long as someone hits the moneyball, the recharge time resets.

    The tip about "having the most amount of cash wins," can be rendered null (and rarely seen) if that one 1 bullet hits your ball.

    Suggestion: Keep the shields up.

    Teams can concentrate more on pushing the Jackbots forward in order to bring the moneyball down rather than rushing.

    So, what do you think about this kind of tactic? Fair? Cheap? Sportsmanlike? Dumb?
    (Yes, 3rd post here. Got to start somewhere!)
  2. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    It's almost a blessing if you've played on the hour long servers and have had a stalemate there, the game is just in limbo until Overtime. Overtime can completely turn a game around though, which seems a little unfair in some cases. That is a decent suggestion though, only spawn Jackbots and keep shields up in Overtime to keep the DoTA aspect of the game alive, even in Overtime.
    Last edited: February 12, 2011
  3. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Legit technique.
  4. nSmoothCritical

    nSmoothCritical New Member

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    The idea of overtime is to end the game 'already'. Keeping shields up in overtime certainly won't help achieving that goal. From the top of my head, you might increase turrets' damage or damage resistance of the ball during OT, but that still won't solve the 'survive + save money + hold the dispensers = winrar' tactic.
  5. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    I've explained this before, but basically it's mostly the bad players that dislike Overtime.

    If one team really IS playing so much better than the other, than the game will never reach overtime, so it's not an issue.

    If the match DOES reach overtime, there are only two possibilities:

    #1 - There was no significant advantage to either side.
    #2 - There was a significant advantage to one side.

    If there wasn't any significant advantage to either side, nobody can complain that losing during overtime was unfair. You lost. The other team played better. Stop whining.

    If there IS a significant advantage to one side, then that team will win overtime most of the time. If you go into overtime with a significant advantage and lose, then you have failed. It's not unfair, you just got brutally out played. They were better, they deserve to win.

    A lot of people like to say Overtime is "unfair", but that's really erroneous. Overtime offers the same conditions to both teams just the same. Nobody benefits more from it.

    Now, the reason I said that it's mostly bad players that complain about OT (and make no mistake about it, it is), it's because the people complaining are the ones that are not playing to beat the other team, but instead to out-turtle them. Seeing as overtime makes it very difficult to turtle, that tactic becomes far less effective. And thank god for that. Fully-defensive play is boring and anti-game.

    This isn't a camping simulator. The objective isn't to kill the most players, it's to destroy the moneyball. If you were "controlling most of the map!" for 20 minutes but never even touched the moneyball, then you weren't really winning. You were stalling just as much as they were.

    If you go into overtime while controlling the map, and with half the enemy's moneyball health down, and you still lose, then you were outplayed. That means they managed to keep you from destroying their moneyball without shields AND were still capable of destroying yours. You don't have an excuse, you lost, fair and square.

    In short: It's part of the game.
  6. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    The main reason it's dumb is because Overtime itself is stupid.

    All the contain you have for the whole rest of round instantly disappears because the jackbots will just kill all the normal bots that had pushed up and then clog the middle with a huge number of hitpoints to farm juice off of.

    No contain plus no way to adequately defend means you just dive in on the ball and hope for the best. Pray that your ball lasts a tiny bit longer because the other guys aren't focusing enough on killing the ball as opposed to most people going for the other players (which is stupid).

    At least they removed the 1/2 bar of juice on spawn. Still needs to be reworked.

    The best choice is to actually win before OT. Going into OT is far to risky, but if you are contained it is best to play for OT and go for game ending sneak attack as soon as the ball drops. Completely stupid strategy but sadly very effective.
  7. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    I like Overtime. The team who's lanes are pushed the furthest have an advantage when it comes to juice rushing, while the other team has more time to prepare a hasty defense. Usually this is when good turret placement and upgrades really shine, as a leveled, supported Shavice turret makes Juice rushing much easier to defend. Level 3.3 supported rocket turrets hugging your Moneyball are severe bruisers. Any time spent actually trying to bull turrets down means Juice time that wasn't spent shooting at your Moneyball, which can easily mean the difference between victory and defeat.
  8. Esham

    Esham New Member

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    its overtime. The game needs to end fast.

    Rushing the money ball is the best tactic to do it.

    Either you rush or watch people rush yours.
  9. acanadianguy

    acanadianguy New Member

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    Yes, I created this topic in due of the recent removal of being given juice during Overtime.

    I'm assuming Uber wanted to reduce the amount of juice rushing occurring with this patch.

    Being someone who uses this tactic myself, it can cause frustration when you see a Support (such as myself) just using a "juice, buy, repeat" method to destroy a moneyball.

    Then again, I can see why people would be upset over pushing with bots to destroy the moneyball versus rushing in yourself to win.

    My suggestion could push the "most money = win" victory more frequently, although since Caliostro brought up turtling as a factor, rushing can still be a better method of winning. ;)

    Thumbs up Caliostro for bringing up those points! :mrgreen:
  10. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    Overtime is fun, but isn't required to actually decide the outcome of a match.
    It can lead to some annoying losses - but often this is a mistake on your team's part rather than an issue with the Overtime feature.

    That said, No-OT servers can actually be quite fun if you stumble into one - because, if the players on the teams are experienced with the customisation, they work harder during the match, and don't wait for OT to make their move which is common your average pub.

    Though, that's more a good thing about the players, than the lack of OT.

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