There. I did it. I shelled out for the same game twice. I have some games that I love and haven't even bought them once*. However I'm looking forward to playing what is, essentially, a different game. I've also never played an online shooter on the PC, so I get to try and use this "superior input device" everyone is banging on about. *Gifts, not piracy. You jaded pessimist you.
Nice having you. What's your name on steam so my friend and me know who we are supposed to take large steps on?
How could you just forget your heritage, Psycho? From the PC players I've talked to they think they're all high and mighty gods of MNC because of their "mouse". WELL SCREW YOU, I'VE BEEN PLAYING THIS GAME BEFORE YOU WERE BORN, I MEAN, BEFORE YOU STARTED PLAYING WHICH IS SINCE RELEASE. /caps
I think you are going to like the tank on PC. 1st, people hate assassins and assassins are seen as too good and overplayed, so you will be loved since you take care of that problem. 2nd, not enough people play tank, so you playing it well will enlighten people on a truely tasty class. 3rd, once you get used to the jetpack cooldown, you will find the tank a very accurate and fluent class. Make sure to not predictably charge assassins, they will just smokebomb and your charge doesn't connect during smokebomb animation, try to railgun grapple them more often when you can. 4th, every sniper on the PC is as good as a decent one is on the XBox because of that "superior control device", but their bodyshot is nerfed so just bounce around and take cover often. Ever successfully play against Sigmar, then you have no trouble with any pc snipers and their retardedly nerfed weapons. 5th, you will love the new taunt. Always choose highlander gear, because you "could be smooth, but how many crude guys do you know"?
^The reason I want UBER to give everyone from Grand Prize (as well as SIGMAR) a free steam copy of MNC so they can hook their controllers up and stomp all over. That way, I can always reference it when someone even mentions M+KB.
There is no aim assist for xbox controllers, they would get murdered. Even if they did have aim assist the only way they would win is because they have lot's of knowledge about the game but seeing as how the two games are so different I doubt they would win instantly.
Steam ID: sensitivepsycho Wow. I am a no-skill scrub who misses his auto-aim. Also, I keep accidentally deploying instead of using my Product Grenade, remind me to change Yellow Skill to Shift instead of Q. I love the lighting changes - Ammo Mule feels oh-so-Tron. The jump-jet nerf takes a lot of getting used to, but all the various balance tweaks are brilliant. Now, all I need to do is convince someone at Uber to give me the Beta gear, and I'll be cool like you guys.