You are on ammo mule...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by NeoCyberman, March 31, 2011.

  1. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    The other team has 2 good tanks, a competent assassin, a Gunner with level 3 passive and a support. Your team has a one tank 2 assassins, an assault and you just spawned as a support.

    On your left there is a level one rocket turret. On the right is a level 2 rocket turret that is almost down due to gunner fire.

    The other teams base has rocket turrets of varying level.

    Jackbots have just spawned!

  2. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Upgrade airstrike 2 and try to get the gunner with instagibs while healing the turret on the right.

    At worst, the gunner has to fall back and I can heal the turret, at best the gunner is now dead.

    After that I try to set up my position in the annihilator room and pray that the tank backs me up in this endeavor.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    What do I do? It's very simple.

    Spawn Gapshots! Not only do they destroy turrets they also bring down Jackbots pretty fast.
  4. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    Heal T2 turret on the right, hack t1 turret on the left.
  5. Wintermute

    Wintermute New Member

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    Considering the JackBots have only just spawned, it would mean Bullseye would've been up, or, if you're unlucky, Fruit F*er. If the Gunner was soloing that RockIt 2, make sure he doesn't have juice yet.
    Mainly, I'd upgrade Airstike and possibly Passive to both 2. If the Gunner is mortaring from that sneaky side-area, you'll have to wish something happy on your Airstikes, anywhere else, just get one near him, then one in the escape route. I'm unsure if the Jackbot would spawn on the right side (iirc, it should for AmmoMule,) just keep healing that Turret until the Jackbot scares off the Gunner. If you get the kill, or at least your name in the killfeed, taunt ASAP. $50 if you get the assist and taunt almost as soon as he dies. The usual $100 applies if you're the killing blow.

    Alternatively, do the same, but for the skills, Hack to 2. Once your Jackbot scares off the Hawaiian, hack (and if you've got enough money, upgrade) the other Turret for preparation of the enemy JackBot. If the Gunner and their Assassin (and even worse, the rest of their team) Juice and destroy your base, well there's not much you can do with 2 Burning Nubs and a felled JackBot.

    This also further depends on which Nubs the Turrets occupy, and any Nubs that are temporarily disabled.

    Assuming at least one of your team Assassin's are fairly bad at interpreting the timing, and they might just delay the enemy JackBot nearish the Ejector pad (but possibly closer to the enemy's side of the base). You may/may not have at least 1 Airstrike charged up, if you have one ready, throw it at the Jack, get your Heal/Hurt out and try get that JackBot Bonus and some Loot.

    If on the occurrence that they took down your JackBot before the Ejector, try deny them their Loot. With extreme Luck (and/or Skill), you may be able to snatch some Bacon. At the very least, the Loot from your JackBot should help with the Turret/skill buying.

    It also further depends on how far down the game you are. If it's the first 5-minute mark, you'll have little trouble climbing over your team. If you took into account the match length before joining, if it's the last 1/4, you'll probably be better off exiting unless you're confident in your skill to survive.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Ignore all that crap and go blast some fools in the face with my shotty
  7. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Tell your Assault to play better, because he wrecks heavies on Ammo Mule.
  8. Vexel

    Vexel New Member

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    >go west

    West of Spawn
    There are some scattered coins from destroyed bots. Whether they were yours or the enemy's, you do not know. Among them is a juice box.

    >pick up juice

    Got juice. Your juice meter is now at 10%.

    >pick up coins

    You pick up five coins. You now have $325.


    You stand before the west lane of Ammo Mule Arena. Behind you is your bot spawn from which a group of bots appear and begin their preordained pilgrimage to the enemy's moneyball. Standing on the bridge on the opposite side is a sniper shooting hopelessly at a teammate in the center dome. On the ground before him is a gunner firing level 3 mortars at the bots behind you. Exits are east and north.

    >check bots

    Three slimbots and a blackjack. Their surface shines with a new coat of paint.

    The enemy gunner's mortars land at your feet. All three shells explode violently. You die.

    Game over. Try again? Y/N
  9. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    this post was so much win. well played.
  10. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    Yup, because that .5 seconds he lasts in front of that jet gun/mini is sufficient time for his low dps AR to kill a heavy, who have by far more health, higher dps weapons, and less skill dependence.
  11. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Suicide and respawn as a different class

    It's rare for me to want to run Support unless I'm absolutely sure my team can handle it
    Agreed. On more open maps like AmmoMule, Gunners have a bit of an advantage as they can usually spot the Assault coming.
    If you're going to go Assault vs Gunner, you need to think a bit like an Assassin because that Gunner will rip you to mulch if he gets that minigun spun up in time
  12. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    Wouldnt happen, i would be the assault as i suck as support and in that case the gunner would have already died.
  13. Zutsumi

    Zutsumi Member

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    I'd kill myself, spawn as sniper, upgrade passive 2 and grapple, and proceed to headshot easy targets. Competent assassin will try to kill me but i'll grapple him off the map. Continue to push them back and carry my team, the end. o___o
  14. [Knovocaine]

    [Knovocaine] New Member

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    Ragequit :shock:
  15. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    The Assault can completely control the dome versus Gunners because of both of their shapes, and why would an Assault be standing next to a Tank?
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Gapshots on the left (the side being attacked least), while my firebase sits inside the moneyball ring to the right, is indeed the best way to force the enemy back some.

    Other ways stated work too.

    After gapshots, have your heavies spawn bouncers and make an overheal push with your heavies and bouncers.
  17. Rogueblades

    Rogueblades Active Member

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    So far, this is the answer that wins the game....

    All others fail and will more than likely lose.
  18. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I think the outcome would rely heavily on the makeup of both teams. All we know is that there is a gunner shooting at a turret, and jackbots are spawning.

    The overall outcome boils down to the rest of your team, and their team. Given the situation at hand, you can't really account for more than 30 seconds into the game.
  19. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    I considered you as a good Assault until this post.

    (Why?: Tank=headcrab or just shoot him from distance/good position, Gunny=Ambush, lolnpkill)

    I would check how much time is left to the overtime, since im lucky it would be 2 minutes, I'd tell to my team to make sure that the assasin wont get to our moneyball and that Ill win the game for us when we get to OT, since they are a good people they would listen(Thats how lucky I am ! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ). I'd get 650 buy some juice + lvl2 passive(for better jumps, so i can get on the dome), spam the moneyball then headcrab it, jump down and press shift+taunt for epic egoidiotshowoff
  20. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Tank is an easy headcrab but he does have a point. It's pretty difficult to play a solo assault against a decent team effort. Even with gold armor, you're looking at dying in a very short time if you overextend yourself trying to push the other team out of mid. Assault is at his best when he can dictate the spacing. Not so easy to do that when your team is cowering under the moneyball ring and the other team's frontline is a bunch of heavies on a leash. I find the typical result to this situation (assuming I joined really late game) is I either try to do too much, die a couple times, and lose OR I kill one or two people but have to fall back immediately and don't end up really gaining map control... then lose or sneak a victory in OT.

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