X-box to PC carry-over

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by yurf, June 22, 2011.

  1. yurf

    yurf New Member

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    I purchased MNC the NIGHT it came out on Xbox and was heavily anticipating it for some time. I played it very heavily for some time, and have little bursts of long playing still. I know that Xbox has pretty much been left behind in updates, and I was disappointed.

    But I have just built a new computer and got to thinking that if I purchased it on xbox, why can't I just have it for free on steam? Maybe create a one time use code that you can activate on your xbox. It just seems pointless to pay 15 more dollars for a game that I can play on my xbox, I just want the updates the PC gets.
  2. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I bought this game twice and it's still the best value I've gotten from any video game.

    I don't really think it's fair to just skimp Uber out of their money, even if you bought it on a different console. Updates are free and that's enough for me.


    That rhymed.
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    You just missed the big 75% off sale on Steam this weekend.
  4. yurf

    yurf New Member

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    Slow Slow reply, I know. But I was out of town on vacation. I'm not trying to skimp Uber out of money, I support them 100%. I just don't have all the money in the world. I've always loved their game, and think it's a little unfair I have to pay just so I can get the updates. And I was super bummed when I found out I missed the sale :/
  5. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    hey Yurf, I used to play with you on Xbox.
  6. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Here is the deal Yurf. Between your event and Valve making TF2 Free to Play, they are not so different.

    A lot of the oldschool TF2 vets want something, they want Valve to take them out for a nice dinner and treat them extra special because of their loyalty in buying the game before most of anyone else.

    But. How many hours did you get out of those 15 dollars you spent?

    You had a ton of fun on the Xbox version, and your purchase supported the PC version, and now you're saying you want special treatment like many of the Xbox to PC users want? That just sounds very obnoxious (not calling you obnoxious, just the scenario) and it might make those who do the following look like a spoiled child.

    I'll have you know that the PC version of MNC is completely different from the Xbox version, not just because of patches, this game is a whole new world specifically built for PC gamers.

    Uber gave you entertainment, and you supported them, you shouldn't be entitled to anything extra since that's a pretty fair trade. Sorry but your purchase really doesn't count anymore, Uber wants a new audience and they want to support you, but due to the lack of options with Microsoft's contract, that's not possible.

    Instead, give yourself a pat on the back for helping this great game reach PC users, and go play some MNC!

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