Wreckage piles

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mrlukeduke, November 7, 2012.

  1. mrlukeduke

    mrlukeduke Member

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    I loved giant sprawling wreckage piles and build-up of littered robotic corpses in TA. I felt this was tragically missing from SupCom 1 & 2.

    It had enormous tactical and also strategic importance in TA. And no, not just because of the poor AI being unable to deal with the pathing issues!

    Tactical example
    After a while what happened is that the dynamic of the battlefield changed such that (for example) artillery units became more important to your army composition, to be able shoot over the wrecks where direct-fire units could not.

    Sometimes you'd simply use even longer-range artillery to shell any units going into the battlefield rather than go in yourself, feeling the trade-off wouldn't be worth it.

    You could also send in reclamation trucks or fly reclaiming air units over the field while the battles raged around them. It'd be important to snipe enemy reclaimers before they sucked up too many recycled resources from giant wrecks.

    Strategic example
    Wrecks hugely impacted on economic decisions. Later on the game flow might shift, back to a less perpetual, attrition-based back and forth, because of the now-clear battlefields. There might have been an hour-long war of attrition over critical availability of metal resources, which would no longer be relevant. The areas take on less strategic importance. Perhaps by then players had developed more efficient energy-to-metal converters.
  2. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    Has been discussed in theese topics:
    Neutrinos response in the last thread about wrecks blocking movement and being able to be pushed around by certain units.
  3. mrlukeduke

    mrlukeduke Member

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