Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Nayzablade, March 21, 2013.


Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...?

  1. 2.One super unit, aka Krogoth.

    31 vote(s)
  2. 4.Modular super unit or Exo-suit.

    16 vote(s)
  3. 5.Combat only super units.

    8 vote(s)
  4. 6.Non-combat super units, aka transports, shields, etc.

    33 vote(s)
  5. 7.Combat and non-combat super units.

    57 vote(s)
  6. 1.No super units,

    22 vote(s)
  7. 3.Commander Exo-Suit.

    25 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    Just in furtherance of the Super Unit post by the Devs...I thought it might be good to consolidate everyone opinion on the Experimentals.

    Bear in mind that they probably wont be ingame, as the devs have stated, but it will give them a good idea of where the community currently stands whiout going through 40+ pages :D

    There is room for two choices each...let me know if any options have been missed!

    Cheerz :)
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    We don't need another thread. A poll is fine, as long as nobody creates discussion here (because discussion here will take it away from where it belongs). But if there's no discussion, the thread will fall off the page and nobody will vote; which means the poll is pretty pointless.
  3. AusSkiller

    AusSkiller Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    I like the idea of non-combat super units, it gives you something to invest in late game but it also keeps the focus on normal units for combat.
  4. yinwaru

    yinwaru New Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    I like the idea of one super unit. The Krogoth was fine, and an equivalent wouldn't hurt.
  5. ironjawthestrong

    ironjawthestrong Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    I don't mind balanced Uberunits. At some-point the battle has to escalate. If you turtle, there has to be something you can build that would allow you to break your opponents siege against you.

    But, if anything, I think non-combat superunits would be nice.
  6. cptkilljack

    cptkilljack Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    For me the use for a Super unit would be more of border control. Use the Super Unit to protect your bases and use the smaller cheaper units to attack the enemy. Send a Super Unit if you have to but I would prefer to use them for defense. Make them costly so unless you have an absurd econ already you cant spam them.

    You could make it so that it must be built by a Commander or Support Commander Or a special production facility that is costly to build in its own right. I was thinking of something with what looks like scaffolding and goes around the Unit as its being built. Think of it like what they did in Zoids for the Trex Zoid (not the evil one).
  7. mbdtf

    mbdtf New Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    One super unit like the krogoth...
    PA imo does not need a bunch of novelty super-units that fill silly roles like supcom 2. Nor does it need a game ender, a support super unit, and a direct fire super unit like Supcom/FA. They will take away from all the normal-units that should be getting the attention.
    For example I loved the krogoth but my favorite unit by far in TA had to be the cute yet ferocious peewee. None of the SupCom units really left a lasting impression on me like the peewee. I don't know why but I cant help but think the 12 or so experimentals are the reason. If there is going to be a super unit let there be one like the krogoth.
  8. ironjawthestrong

    ironjawthestrong Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    I can see that. But, I have to admit, I felt quite put-out that the ARM didn't get a super unit... I never play Core! :D
    Since there is only one "universal" tech-faction (I think that's what people are calling it) in PA, I can live with only one Uberunit. As long as both teams get it... <.<

    Also, I think there needs to be a clearer understanding of "special" units. I have a tendency to think that "Experiments" are super-big-special-ability-units.... But "Experiments" could just as easily be the the smaller mobile radar/radar-jammers from TA.

    I think that smaller experiments are a plus. Super-Large-Experiments? Not so much...
  9. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    I'm getting to the point at which, if I see one more thread that's trying to promote, justify or even just putting the focus of Planetary Annihilation on Mega/Uber/Experimental/Jumbo-Tron units...

    I'm. Gonna. Flip. My. Sh*t.

    They're not in the base game... they might not even reach their stretch goal... they might not even GET a stretch goal!

    Find something more productive to do with your time!
  10. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    like raging in the forums? :p
  11. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    If I can shut down every single one of these kinds of threads, then Yea... I'll have been more productive :lol:

    I wish I hadn't posted my own thread... I wish... I wish... *sobs*
  12. Slayticus

    Slayticus New Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    You mean like an asteroid with a bunch of rockets strapped to it?

    I personally don't want to see any. They have been done before, and I think they will tend to detract from the more original elements that PA is promising.
  13. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    Thou speaketh the truth!
  14. skynet464

    skynet464 New Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    Stop trying to confront angry rants with logic! :lol:
  15. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    I'd like to see experimental type units.

    The majority of people who play PA will probably only play skirmish. And they're fun against the AI.
  16. redplague

    redplague New Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    One super unit, aka Krogoth. just like thay made in TA , just need one , not too powerful ,, it can smash small groups of bots , I don't want it to be a base smasher were it can just walk pass your defense smash your commander weth no problem ..

    plus uber don't need to make any super unit ,, I will just mod one in ;)
  17. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    This poll is bad and you should feel bad. How would the devs get any information out of this poll without knowing how many people posted?

    Useless poll is useless.
  18. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    Total votes : 100
  19. thapear

    thapear Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    Yes, over all vote options, if I were to check all yes votes I'd add 6 votes, if I just check "No", I add 1. Therefore, it's a bad poll because it causes misrepresentation of the "No" option. If there was an "I voted" option, you'd immediately see the percentage of people who voted no.
  20. pwnmachine

    pwnmachine New Member

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    Re: Would you like to see super units in PA and what type...

    Okay!, I haven't read what everyone said in this forum topic... but I'll tell you what I think being an Ex - Metal Fatigue fanatic, Total Annihilation Fanatic and anything associated fanatic.

    Here's what my childhood memories are full of for strategy games with you guys, in my past: Total Annihilation's MASS scale of units obviously!, The bigger, the better, especially then. I do realize you can't do the exact same thing while being in space this time around, but this gives you guys a general idea of what I'd love to see and many others I'm sure in "remembrance" to what we used to have, but for space! :) (its been years, so forgive me if I get the unit names wrong with the description of the unit).

    #1 - The "as long as my monitor" Battleship, with 15 different weapons including a nuclear missile launcher (lol) that was amazing.. Cruiser-ship I think? Naval.

    #2 - The Big Bertha/Big Momma ... awesome. (Large tank/mech style) and mini-missiles

    #3 - The flying fortress (Giant flying fortress)

    #4 - Submarine (Giant Nuclear Submarine)

    #5 - There were also giant construction units that made special giant buildings for more special-giant things to be built.

    #6 - I remember lots of mother-ship type units that carried a number of units at once, that not only reloaded certain units, but repaired them as well.. while serving as a mobile attack base.

    #7 - KROGOTH-Krogath? (I think it was the giant mech with plasma cannon arms and a DUAL-missile back-pack?) Giant Mech's, Giant battleships, Giant Mother-Aircraft-Ships, Several types of Nuclear weapons carriers (including the commander himself) xD! So fun.

    #8 - Honestly though, most of all to me was not only the huge mother ships etc. but the fact that the regular units and the advanced units, along with random other units could only build specific types of buildings/units, and.. they were also HUGE in scale, proving that it doesn't always have to be the same way of construction, and that it doesn't have to be just 1 type of Single-Mother-Ship super unit either; other-wise all you get are -rare- occasions to see huge monolithic sized machines on the battlefield, when you really want all sizes and variants on the battlefield as well! Sure one can be way bigger than all of them.. but having lots of already large/massive/big/small/or tiny units on the battlefield really helps to make everything diverse and interesting to watch! (aside from cool animations) I want people to understand that a Strategy game is just as important as WATCHING the battles taking place on the battlefield as it is directing/coordinating the battles with your mouse. Eye candy :) Thanks guys

    P.S: What would be awesome I think as a later advancement in scale, is being able to attach a base to an asteroid that's moving throughout space on a pattern/path etc. in the sense of a "mobile" base, or an easier way of traveling to other bases etc. ATTACKING/relocating (aside from ramming the asteroid into the planet) from one base to the other as an advantage.. would be amazing. Not sure on the details, just came to my head. Even allowing for specific technologies due to being on an asteroid would be cool too, like turning the asteroid into a giant Uber-Beam Death-Star-Cannon sounds good to me.. maybe multiple super asteroid weapons and/or uses for asteroids. Thanks!

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