To have custom games and game modes like Starcarft and newly LoL will have? Also if due to budget constraints if its not possible then perhaps an addition later down the road.
Perhaps I'm blind, but can you quote the relevent part? I only see that they will support modding. edit: What I mean is if it's as moddable as TA, custom mods will not be possible. It need extra work to add scripting hook to victory conditions, customs events with triggering conditions etc..
as a side note: "Would it be possible" to add at least some part of the thread topic to the thread title. without it we just could designate numbers to threads ; would be more unique.
Note that if people spent less time dickering over features they want, or people spent more time reading what's been presented or posted, we'd probably still be able to draw more detail from the devs on stuff they're thinking and what types of features they'd like. As it stands, whatever further detail they did provide would likely be dissected and complained about either way, so it saves them many headaches just not going into greater detail at this time, especially when they haven't even begun that stage of development.