1. mistaek

    mistaek New Member

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    I have been reading a lot of these threads, and I have some questions and the answers I would like to hear from Ubernet about PA. If anyone has Uber's answers (since they achieved 1.5mill preferably) to any of these questions, please post!

    Here is a list of questions I have about KEWs.
    1)Can a planet be turned into a KEW?
    2)What happens to A planet after it has been hit be a KEW?
    3)Will KEWs take a period of time to reach their destination?
    4)Are KEWs only going to consist of large bodies with Rockets strapped to the back of them or will their be giant grapple hooks and the like?
    5)Can metal planets be turned into KEWs?
    6)Do they already have rockets built into them so as to allow them to be a KEW right off the bat?

    Here is a list of questions I have about Planets
    7)How many planets to a solar system?
    8)How many moons to a planet
    9)How many of each type of planet in a solar system?
    10)How frequent will metal planets appear?
    11)Can a planet crash into a star?
    12)How will fog of war work on a round planet?
    13)How big are planets in comparison to units and bases?
    14)Will planets be randomly generated or will they already exist?

    Here is a list of questions I have about units
    15) Can you build on Orbital units?
    16)What variety of units will there be with only 1 or 2 tech levels?
    17)What variety of units will there be with only one faction/race?
    18) Will commanders' special abilities be a choice by the player, or is there only one special ability?
    19)Can units be shot into orbit, and then land on a planet, but at a later time?

    Here is a list of questions about in-game economy:
    20) How many types of resources?
    21) WIll asteroids contain a different resource?
    22) Will there be a resource for basic units and a resource for tech?
    23) Will resources be acquirable in all environments (underwater, underlava, in gaseous form) and how will their worth differ?
    24) are metal planets minable?

    Here is what I hope the answers are:
    1) yes!
    2) turns into a collection of planet shards. much destruction wherever the planet was hit
    3) yes!
    4) Everything from rockets to giant hooks to orbital magnets to chains fo KEWs hitting eachother like dominos
    6) yes!
    7) anywhere between 1-4 for 2player skirmishes (up from there)
    8) anywhere between 1-8 (depending on size of moons and planet)
    9) not one of each but predominately land planets and maybe a water or gas planet
    10) fairly frequently, but they will be hidden in asteroid belts
    11) yes!
    12) (I actually have no idea how that would work)
    13) fairly massive, so that at the point where you can zzom out to see the whole planet, units are just specks
    14) randomly generated
    15) yes!
    16) not too many that it is overwhelming. I rather have fewer units than more.
    17) There will be multiple factions! With all the donated money, there is plenty of money to throw at making factions that differ
    18) They will be the choice of the player
    19) yes!
    20) 2
    21) a richer version of the original resource
    22) yes
    23) Yes, and the harder to reach, the bigger the payoff (except gas, which should very few resources)
    24) entirely, and they decrease in density as you mine them, so they do less damage when used as KEWs after a long period of mining.
  2. bcpaul

    bcpaul New Member

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    Don't worry so much and enjoy the ride
  3. luukdeman111

    luukdeman111 Member

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    Damn.... You do realize that the concept video on the kickstarter is the only real thing they have for this game right? except for some awesome ideas. 90% of your questions cannot be answered yet simply because this game has not been made yet....

    i suggest you look at this thread


    That should answer some of your questions and the rest probably can't be answered yet.
  4. thedbp

    thedbp Member

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    lol I read your post as if you already had the answers, now I'm sad.

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