Any chance someone with good experience with it able to make a tutorial on how to use this properly? I got many cool idea's but get stuck when trying to move/remove metal spots and setting landing zones etc.. Pretty confusing. Or im just bad
you cant move or add metal spots directly or set landing zone explicitly. you can play around with the sliders until the metal spots and zones are in an area you like. I do believe you can remove zones however.
Its quite easy actually, go to advanced mode, and read the keybindings. M to place metal, B to remove. J to place spawn and G to remove. (That bit could be wrong, can't remember ) you can also place brushes and remove brushes making completely custom maps almost. It even has a little bit of ui to help you see the brushes, sselect them, place, rotate, etc...
Could you please tell me how to use those "brushes"you mentioned, It would be very nice to know how to do so!
If you can supply me the fine details I will make a youtube video based off your info. That way others may be inspired to create more maps.