Okay, so I think I have this balanced good enough for now, if you want to host put the ExperimentalMod folder in the server_mods folder then put "net.corang.ExperimentalMod" in the mods.json as the identifier Experimentals: AIR - Cassowary - Battleship of the skies - Above Average AA damage, great Air to Ground Damage LAND - TODO WATER - TODO ORBITAL - TODO CHANGELOG 6/3/14 - initial release, only has Air experimental, rough balance
Why you little... https://forums.uberent.com/threads/wip-megabot-ideas-and-progress-thread.59374/ Truce?
Experimentals, there can be multiple. They are "grand scale flavor units", the personality behind them makes them highly selective as long as they don't overlap. Like, you could still make a flying artillery fortress like a huge air-layer anchor with old-anchor health and damage and a few new guns on it. You can still make a number of things.
Hm.. Well I would but atm the .papa exporter is broken with rotated bones (I'm actually hoping to get 3Ds max soon so that I can add the bones and use papatran.), but yes I'll handle the model, you handle the programming?
do you have the original .papa files that were shipped with the game, just so I can use it as a placeholder
and that sounds good to me, I can't make a 3d model for my life, also, you could just get the student edition of 3ds max like I have
If anyone wants to see the current iteration of the experimental air unit, I made a short youtube video showing it attacking an ai base.
Oh no, sorry, I'll give it a try in a bit, also- mind handing me over a working link for the student edition of 3Ds max? Every one I find the installer seems to be broken... (Stupid online installers. )
I hate online installers... Edit: 1: I hadn't moved it, I opened it right after downloading the installer. 2: I left the website up; no refresh either... 3: My firewall is disabled.
When you go through and try to download the installer/program from Autodesk's education portal, click the boxy arrow thing next to "Install Now" After that, click on Download Now or Browser Download.