This post is inspired by @burntcustard minimods, after looking at the commander explosion buff, I realized that it was quite easy to make some mild (and sometimes outrageous) changes to the oringnal coding that is in the json. So I present to you, for your entertainment, my mini mods. Whats Roll Off? Reduces the rolloff time ie the time which unit A is done to the time unit B This increases army sizes while reduce the time needed to make the army. Actual time to army size testing has not been done, so I have no idea what effect this will have. Additional note, the number changed is factory_rolloff_time, and the game does not like anything below 1 Ubercannon usefulness enhancer Increases the amount of charges you can let loose, increases ROF, damage, and splash. Useful for comboxing (add burntcustard's commander explosion buff for extra funnies ), area denial and shooting your friends face 10 times in 2 secs. Spinner Buff - REMOVED The Spinner AA unit is too weak vs bomber balls, so I upped its stats a little. Splash damage is the most notable of the changes, but after talking with some of the RCBM guys this might be changed... Teleporter fix - REMOVED After reading one to many complaints about how the teleporter is broken, @nanolathe own words And I saw a distinct lack of any suggestions on how to fix it, and I think that A LOT of people would like to see this issue go away and die in a hole. Anyway, I took it upon myself to fix this, the way I did this is to increase energy use, increase metal cost and decrease health, because those were the main issues I will add more mods here as I get ideas Availible on PAMM And github, eventually
For anyone who is watching, I'm working on improving the AA vehicle to hard counter Aerial Death balls. Done, Here are the changes I made: Splash radius: 10 up from 0 Splash damage: 15 up from 0 Damage per shot: 30 up from 25 RoF: 3.5 up from 2 Health: 110 down from 130 and that is it, any more ideas for simple mods?
Teleporter has been changed to make it more balenced, changes follow Metal Cost: 400 > 2500 Health: 9750 > 5000 Energy Demand: 1000 > 2000 Play with this for a bit and let me know what changes need to be made, the discussion is over and now it is the time to act
Loving the teleporter Changes, sadly its one of the few mods on PAMM which simply refuses to download (about 1 in 30 mods on PAMM (as an estimate) simply wont download for me, totally random and unfortunate)
That's because the actual mod resides on Dropbox (For example: Mods/Teleporter ), which apparently doesn't work so well in China for you? Is that due to the Great Firewall of China? It's probably the same for the other mods that give you trouble.
I apologize for that, github and I are not currently on speaking terms, I heard that I can tell Dropbox to auto download, Let me try it when I change something, speaking of changes any suggestions? edit: dang it auto-correct...
After beating github into submission, I have uploaded my teleporter fix to github here: I will work on getting my other mods uploaded later Too much beating, see here
Teleporter has new stats, mainly Health 5000>4000 Metal cost: 5000>4000 also available through github here: @Baleur that should fix the downloading issue
Made many upstream fixes and made them compatible with the latest stable with the exception of the Rolloff remover which made it to the PTE Stage because of the recent addition of the Unit Cannon
No fixes yet for the update issues, still working hard on those. I have now looked into it and have found that it is all possible so... NEW MOD Weaker Unit Cannon, Changes: Boom Bot no longer build-able by Unit Cannon Health 14400 > 9200 now cost 2 T2 factories Remove 2 sockets from UC, 12 > 10 Lower build rate, I can find this anywhere yet, but I increased the rolloff time: 3 > 5 Energy cost to build a unit went up: Metal 120 > 130, Energy: 4050 > 4200
Your weaker unit cannon is broken, there's a comma after the final spawn point where there shouldn't be.
Rolloff remover's version of the unit cannon appears differently than the current one vanilla PA uses
A few things: 1. Rolloff has been updated to include the latest changes to the unit cannon, mainly dispersion 2. I plan on removing AAbuff and teleporter rebalence in the near future because recent changes have reduced the need for these mods 3. Updates will come to my mods when something is clearly broken (or you bribe me enough ) because I have not as active in the game as I would like I hope to continue floating around until I get things sorted and then I will return
I wish it was easier to make tiny find and replace style changes to units in mods without having to shadow so much. Or maybe there is and I'm just unaware of it