Alienworlds is a biome mod, which allows for the creation of strange, unique, and weird planets. Most object, textures and features are WIP and subject to change. Warning; there is a good chance any custom planets made with this mod will be altered in future releases. Don't plan on planets remaining the same. Planned planet types: BarrenMoonLike BarrenMarsLike EuropaLike TitanLike VenusLike AlienBlue PrimordialWorld Wasteland Released planet types: AlienRed AlienPurple AlienToxic Sun (and Sun with terrain) SuperJovain (and SuperJovain with terrain) Planned Features/Changes More Base-Game looking planet Icons Improved Textures New Models Increased Planet Diversity Github Links: Client Version Server Version Companion Version
Will you upload this to the mod manager? By the way. Incredible, buy attaching more imagies would be really appreciated.
its bugged. [01:44:08.571] ERROR Error opening 19PlanetArchetypeSpec spec "/pa/terrain/Sun.json", file failed to load [01:48:00.799] ERROR Failed to load texture resource /pa/terrain/effects/GasGiantColorMap.png Linux is case sensitiv. There is only a sun.json and no Sun.json So it needs to be sun.json and so on...