Winning vs Kill/Death Ratio?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by m0nkeyb0y77, December 15, 2010.


Which do you care more about?

  1. K/D Ratio (regardless of match outcome)

    2 vote(s)
  2. Winning the match

    20 vote(s)
  3. Earning as much $$$$ as possible

    1 vote(s)
  1. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    I've seen some really good players lately losing matches but not really seeming to care. They'll have a high K/D but they lose. So that poses the question.

    Added money
    Last edited: December 15, 2010
  2. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower New Member

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    Winning the match is sometimes too easy. Get a juiced assassin/gunner or juice chain and it's game over pretty fast.

    I never touch the moneyball myself. I prefer to try and figure out the other team, cripple their defenses, and then let my bots do the work for me. I enjoy this more strategic aspect than the quick fix of a quick win. I don't spawn camp because those are cheap kills and not fun for me or them so I'll back off to let them get going again.

    I'm competitive, but when I play, I must have fun. I don't always tie how much fun I'm having to the outcome of the match. In that sense, I don't care too much who wins. I want to have fun. So I won't try to win it all at the expense of having fun. If I do lose, I try to learn what I could do better next time even if the loss was a little unfair (ex: 1v4 situations).

    I can win, but not have fun (ex: we're dominated strategically, but we go juice crazy and win in one blitz). I can lose, but still have fun (ex: we dominate, but they go juice crazy and win in one blitz).

    I play striker in football (soccer) and my favorite part of the game is not the goals, but the passing and buildup play that leads to goal chances. I can lose a game, but still feel great about how I played and my team. And just like in football, the scoreline isn't always an indication of what happened on the field.

    That said, it is hard to have things go well and be having fun yet still lose.
    Last edited: December 15, 2010
  3. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I chose winning the match, BUT I think K/D ratio is incredibly integral to winning the game. The less you die, the less money you are feeding the opposing team. The more kills you have the more money you have to upgrade skills and turrents. Money denial is a big strategy in this game so I put survival above area control sometimes.

    Late game though, I usually throw K/D out the window and push the ball. If I need to "ball dive" to put some damage on it, I will.
  4. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Go as Assassin, kill bots and turrets and the game is done.
    Which is why I never even care to hurt the moneyball, except when I want to become MVP :D
  5. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I play to win. If I happen to rack up some kills in the process, yippee. I can get stomped and go 0-0-100, as long as we win, I'm stoked.

    Nobody really cares if you get 50-1 K/D and lose. They might think "wow, that guy did really well" but they also think "didn't do well enough to win.". There seems to be a common thread among MNC players. Oh, and don't try to say you kicked a teams *** after losing. This will just get you laughed at, no matter how loud your red-faced rant is. No matter how you did individually, losing revokes any right to talk smack.

    Sometimes you just can't overcome your team.

    Obi is right though, killing pros is usually an integral part of winning. Keeps them from juicing as often, keeps them on their heels.

    To me, it's not the quantity of the kills, but the quality that matters. Any jackass can spawn kill, but ejecting someone, milliseconds after they fire their juice... priceless.
  6. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    I dig that style too.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Neither. I like to have fun. If you know anything about my main play style, Tank, you'd know I die a lot but make loads of money. Sure the enemy team is making money off of me but I keep taking out their defenses so, yea...
  8. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Where's the both/all option? :roll:

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    You damn Texans an your k/d haha
  10. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Yeah right, you know I don't give a **** about my K/D :mrgreen:
  11. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    It all depends if i'm going against people i know i will beat i'll stomp on them for the hell of it. If it's against good players i will destroy my k/d. I will make sure they cannot build turret make sure the bots stop. Make sure they can't buy juice. Or take control of the higher ground. Use the annihalator cut off there escape routes. Juice there money ball and trap them inside there base so they call on a team mate to get them out. Just to win against a good team. A good kill death will always come in Pub matches. When you get some forum members in here. It's more about who is gonna win. I played against a guy from the forums when the match ended before i said anything he sparked an argument and told me. Yeah i won but my k/d was crap. i had i think 12-8 he had 8-8 he lost. Next round i'm on his team. I go 3-12 he goes 23-2 we win. I quit join up he got all high level i get level 34-67 who aren't all star. We use mics and we all go negative i went 5-13 i think he went 13-7. He is happy because i went negative and won and he went positive and loss. So he looks at it as long as you break even or go positive. I believe as long as you win when it counts it's all good. i got a 2.5 kd. I could care less. I know i can get kills if i need to but i know i can win when i need to. Plus there extremely good. I couldn't get many kills off them. The moment they get hit they run towards the closest support and turret and if i chase i die. So i rather win versus go toe to toe. Props though i thought you were bad i think it was sahelkhan. Short summary i will die alot just to win versus try to kill alot and lose.
  12. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Oh, I see you added a new option. I chose making $$$$ although I don't make as much as one could have if they cared/worried about their k/d.
  14. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    Yeah, I thought it was appropriate.
  15. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I remember a game against FB Zombie Chaos, where he and another support were putting in firebases that would have crippled us (upper deck on Steel Peel). Since I was a Tank, I roasted their firebases before they deployed, even if it meant spending the next week pulling bucksoht out of my armor.

    P.S. My K/D is (only just) higher than 1 still, so I know I'm not free money for the enemy team.
  16. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    RAGE! :lol:

    Yeah, you pretty much sacrificed yourself for the good of your team.

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