Windows 8 & XP

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by shotogun, May 26, 2013.

  1. shotogun

    shotogun Member

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    I know that some OS have already been confirmed but will Windows 8 and XP be included?
  2. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    32bit won't be supported in early alpha so unless you have 64bit XP you won't be able to run it on that. Windows 8 will be supported.
  3. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I know the answer to this but I'm afraid I'm going to be difficult and not tell you. There's a search function on this forum and plenty of other places you could get this information. Making this thread was sheer laziness.

    EDIT: dammit Monkey.
  4. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    If he's asking this question it's better to just give him the answer instead of spending time directing him to search for it when there is a sticky on how to search.

    Lost cause.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I think XP wont be supported at all. If you want confirmation, search yourself :p
  6. shotogun

    shotogun Member

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    Looked already and did not find anything. I was asking if the devs planned in the future to add these OS not if they were supported at the moment.
  7. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    XP won't currently work and we aren't sure if we are going to bother. Very few machines that run XP will be able to run the game anyway.

    Windows8 is fine.
  8. dallonf

    dallonf Active Member

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    In my experience, everything that works on Windows 7 works on Windows 8 without any problems. The only exceptions are a handful of device drivers, and things you have to compile yourself where certain linked DLLs are for the Visual C++ 2010 64-bit compiler and you can only get the Visual C++ 2010 32-bit compiler or the Visual C++ 2012 64-bit compiler. That was my Friday and if I have never have to compile third-party C++ again it will be too soon.

    And I'm rambling now. Ignore me...
  9. gamelore

    gamelore New Member

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    I know it doesn't matter to most people at this point, but as the owner of a "high-ish end" XP machine, I'm saddened by this.

    Pretty certain it has the power and bare minimum components required to play PA, so it would be big pain and expense to need to replace my computer because PA doesn't support XP...
  10. eeyrjmr

    eeyrjmr Member

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    then just upgrade XP... the hardware might be modern/high-end doesn't mean the OS is.
    WinVista/7 did alot of great stuff w.r.t. the network stack which does not exist for XP.

    or install linux.

    you really need to update your OS. XP is like 12years old... And while "if it works, don't break it" is a valid point of view, there are stuff that has progressed...
  11. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Can you describe your machine config? To me almost by definition XP can't be a high end machine because it can't address enough memory.
  12. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Also note that MS is dropping update support for XP in April next year, so you'll end up being vulnerable to exploits after that point. It's safer just to move on.

    At this point, many modern games aren't available for Windows XP, so moving to Linux might not be a terrible sacrifice for you as a gamer. (Since I'm assuming you aren't playing a large number of modern games anyway, which all tend to want DirectX 10+.) At worst you may have to use WINE for some of your old XP games.
  13. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Actually XP doesn't "work" any more. The 4 gig memory address limit and lack of current DirectX versions made it non viable as a serious gaming OS years ago. Be glad it lasted as long as it did. Its long past time to move on. A 64 bit Windows 7 or 8 license is $100 on and Ubuntu is free.

    The best an XP machine can really have is a Core 2 Quad and a GeForce 8000 series or equivalent ATI card which although pretty dated are perfectly capable of running 64 bit Windows 7/8. Hardware newer than that wasn't generally available with XP without jumping through hoops to avoid getting Vista and even then you still typically got a Vista license anyway.

    I am glad they are not supporting XP. It was great in its day but its time to move on, and leave behind anyone still clinging to it.
  14. eeyrjmr

    eeyrjmr Member

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    it still works :) just doesn't meet the minimum requirements of newer things. The 4gig limit is a 32bit limitation as opposed to an XP limitation since XP_64 exists ;)

    we have XP on a few machines at work since it just works and the licences are dirt cheap and since they are just rig testing equipment in isolation.
  15. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    I currently run day to day on Windows 8, both at home and at work, and have had zero problems with it. But it's all in desktop mode, so don't go expecting any metro support. ;-)

    I actually prefer win 8 desktop over win 7, as it tends to be faster and more stable. Just waiting til 8.1 so hopefully I can make sure I never see the LiveTiles unless I explicitly ask to. Just not useful to me in a desktop environment.

    As for XP, quite simply.. it's time to upgrade. :)
  16. antillie

    antillie Member

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    This statement seems to contradict itself.

    Yes but 64 bit XP is a rare unicorn that nobody ever really used (it was super rare even its target market, the workstation space) and it has no place in a discussion about gaming OS's.

    I am pretty sure MS doesn't sell XP licenses any more and hasn't for quite some time. Also why are you testing things on an obsolete platform?

    The upcoming end of support and security updates for XP is forcing every US government agency, every business in the financial, medical, and defense contracting sectors, and every business that accepts/works with credit cards to dump XP like the massive regulatory compliance red flag that it is about to become. It is no longer the target OS for anyone who wants to develop software that can be used in the vast majority of the business world.
  17. eeyrjmr

    eeyrjmr Member

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    Not at all. you cannot deny XP work's in exactly the same way a u741 just works. Doesn't mean there isn't anything better

    but that doesn't change the fact it exists and it doesn't change the fact the limitation of 2^32 unique addresses is a 32bit limitation NOT an XP limitation

    I didn't say on, I am not a software engineer. I have XP running on some testrigs with already commissioned software which I use to test the hardware I design. And XP licences are still available to purchase just not really accessible to the general public, as in 2 new licences to act as the OS to interface to two testrigs last month. Some things will only run on XP and when you have software that is certified and you need it to still re-commision product that can be upto 10years old you kind of have to stick with what has been accepted until re-certification has completed. And anyway we still have some 16bit applications to access 25year old product and well...
  18. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Sure I can. It is not able to run modern software any more. Since running software is the entire purpose of an OS that means that XP is no longer up to the task for which it was created.

    Since 64 bit XP is like a 1971 Hemi 'Cuda convertible I think its fair to say that the 4 gig address limit is an XP issue. Just because the lunar rover exists doesn't mean that most four wheel drive cars have all aluminum wheels and can run just fine on batteries.

    There is a reason for that.

    Software can be replaced or updated. Also have you heard of XP mode in Windows 7?

    It looks like management at your company is bad at their job. Just because your company failed to plan ahead doesn't mean that the rest of the world is going to wait for you to catch up. In fact it means that they are going to find a new vendor for whatever it is that you currently provide for them.

    Software can be replaced or updated. Also have you heard of XP mode in Windows 7?
    Last edited: May 29, 2013
  19. teradyn

    teradyn Member

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    I thought that the performance improvements that were touted for Win8 vs Win7 related only to Metro Apps. I mean that a metro app that does the same thing as the equivalent win32 app was faster due to some sort of optimization. How wrong was this info?
  20. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Let's get back to topic, guys. :) This is getting a little too point-counterpoint to be productive.

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